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Sacred Wisdom, Teachings of Sarah, Goddess of Peace


Reverend Lea Chapin is excited to announce the release of her newest book. Sacred Wisdom, Teachings of Sarah, Goddess of Peace is the long-awaited sequel to Divine Union: The Love Story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

I hope that people enjoy reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing this magical and enlightening story of Sarah, exclaimed Chapin.

Ascended Master, Sarah shares her parent's sacred wisdom teachings of the Way of the Chalice. At the heart of this wisdom is a path of integration and transformation that embraces the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in sacred union.

Sarah leads us on a journey of self-discovery into sacred union that ultimately leads back to self-mastery and true enlightenment! She brings insight to the deeply rooted male/female polarities of imbalance that had caused chaos and fear that is so pervasive upon the planet

Sarah's sacred wisdom teachings is a journey into the teaching of the Goddess, the inner alchemy of sacred union that will lead us back to wholeness as a planet.

This riveting book as well as all of Lea's other publications, may be purchased by visiting her website:

*All book orders are for USA only due to shipping costs


More About Lea:


Rev. Lea Chapin M.S.Ed, BS Psychology
Rev. Lea is an educator, psychotherapist, spiritual counselor and medium. In 1993, Lea began receiving divinely inspired messages from Spirit, when her gifts of clairaudience allowed her access to the truth teachings of the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realms. Her life is now devoted to spiritual pursuits and empowering all who choose to reawaken to their own sacred balance and divinity.


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