Creative Learning Teaches You About Inclusion and Diversity
by smoothsale | Oct 1, 2021 | Business Development, Sales | 0 co

Attract The Right Job Or Clientele:
Creative learning is my style, so bear with me as I explain how Sudoku can teach us about diversity and inclusion! Upon first learning how to complete the Sudoku puzzles, I was amazed by the creativity behind the seemingly logical approach.
Each puzzle is in the shape of a large square. The square divides into nine smaller squares, and each sub-divides into nine more small ones. Within the smallest squares are a set of numbers. Dependent upon the level of the puzzle (beginner to having experience) will be more numbers already in place down to a smaller amount.
Diversity and Inclusion Symbolism within the Puzzles
The numbers in use are 0-9, one for each small square. Within each puzzle, we are to consider the rows of numbers both horizontally and vertically. Each number appears singular in the smallest squares within each row.
Each standalone number holds significance for solving the puzzle. It is similar to each person in a social or corporate environment holding value onto themselves. Solving the puzzle per the numbers in a row is similar to teamwork.
While each number holds merit by itself, the Sudoku puzzle only completes correctly if every number has equal significance in each row. Without every number from 0-9 contributing to the completion of the row, the puzzle will not solve correctly. Our life and business issues do not adequately resolve if we are exclusive versus being inclusive.
Our Life
No matter where we find ourselves, we often hear the dismissal of our ideas and activities.
Generally, the dismissal is from those who either compensate for their lack of confidence or believe we may advance beyond their self-perception. Our best response is to acknowledge the commentary. Ask the reason(s) for the negativity. If it’s a misunderstanding, do your best to clarify. Otherwise, do move on to find a more welcoming group.
Social Networking
I was always curious at networking events as to why some people were passed over while attendees sought out others. Everyone has a story to share per their experience and viewpoints, plus connections to build. At the opposite end of the spectrum, consider opportunities you may be missing should you be the one to over-step another.
My technique was to begin each event by approaching the introverts first. The strategy benefits both parties as we both became more energized and motivated to meet more attendees.
Corporate Teams
It would be difficult to deny that some people receive treatment of greater importance, and the same applies to different levels of management. Imagine the benefits of treating everyone as an equal, and their insights receive thought and respect. A business may improve by carrying the practice further by being respectful toward the administrative staff and prospective clientele.
Should a corporate environment refuse to change policies, they will not experience loyalty among employees and possibly lose some clients, too.
Our World Today
Today, diversity and inclusion are popular conversations and will make a significant difference in any life scenario for the better. It is always best to find a relaxing hour to do some self-discovery. Relive past behaviors toward others to see if there is room for improvement ahead. Social media is the center of much of our communications.
Review the messaging you share and like to ensure consistency all the way around.
It is our communications that build our brand, audience, and clientele. The next option to decide is if you are ready to realize an organization you admire and that you might like to assist.
Donating your talent to a good cause becomes a win for all. Those you help benefit from your insights, and you further spread the good word about your work. The even better result is knowing that you serve your community well.
The answer to the question, ‘What Can Sudoku Teach Us About Inclusion and Diversity?’ is ‘quite a bit!’
Are you ready to take on the challenge?!
For More Insights: Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
“Communicate to Attract Interest”

Be A Story-Teller
Related Blog Stories:
Your Story: Creative Learning Teaches You About Inclusion and Diversity
No doubt most people, like you, have experiences that they prefer not to relive or inflict on others. We learn the most from our worst encounters. Take the time over the weekend to reflect on your clashes and the lessons that may help you improve plus assist others.
There is no safety in hiding experiences; it only creates the opportunity for more ill will. By sharing your unique story, others will identify and potentially also share their story.
Ideas to consider:
- Use the experience(s) to share your story.
- Communicate the difficulty in media interviews, what you learned, and how you see improvement ahead.
- Create products and services to help people advance beyond their challenges.
- Research organizations that may need your assistance.
- Combine forces with others to make a more significant impact.
By figuring out our best steps forward to empower ourselves and others, we can make progress toward diversity and inclusion. On a more relaxing note, take the challenge of learning Sudoku if you aren’t familiar with it. For the creative mind, it’s relaxing to use the other side of the brain!
Sales Tips: Creative Learning Teaches You About Inclusion and Diversity
- Reflect on poor past experiences and the lessons you may take to improve.
- In the corporate environment, strive to hire those who support inclusion and diversity.
- Consider the better past outcomes to leverage in the future.
- Do not take belittlement seriously.
- Believe in your capabilities.
- As you build up confidence, help others to do the same.
- Donate time to help a specific group in need of your talent.
- Ask for feedback from the community to further develop offerings.
- Work collaboratively for a more effective branding effort and business growth.
- Celebrate Success!
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!