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Achieve More by Committing to Your Desires

Achieve More by Committing to Your Desires 

We have all heard the traditional phrase, 'Keep our eye on the prize to do well.' The truth is in it, as it becomes vital when mishaps or unpleasant commentary occur. Keeping your purpose in your heart and mind is always the differentiator for achieving success. 

Attaining Your Desires Brings Enjoyment

A typical process is to be highly motivated at the beginning of the year but flailing mid-year, only to realize we need to increase energy to make our vision a reality. It becomes imperative to reconnect with current and prospective clientele and re-energize our mindset for a productive year-end. The time is now to commit to our goals for this year and meet or exceed our future vision.


Your Vision of the Prize

What matters most to you is far more critical than distractions, naysayers, and those who don’t believe you can achieve your goals. The differentiator for achieving our desired success is a positive mindset with the willingness to test, revise, and test each new idea again while keeping our eye on our most valued outcome.

During the last days of summer, reviewing our strategies, revising them as needed, and confirming we can achieve our most desirable year-end goals is wise. Reviewing communications with clientele and prospects indicating they are willing to purchase is vital to reinvigorating the conversations. However, to maintain and grow the relationship, it’s essential to ask each one how they enjoyed summer and whether their year-end plan is on track to completion. The questions encourage a professionally personal conversation for the facts to reveal themselves on both sides.


Review the conversations with clients likely to conduct business with you each day. Weigh the pros and cons of special requests made, the ability to deliver on all requests, and concerns you may still have. Create a list of questions to ask diplomatically to ensure you are on the right footing for addressing all requests and concluding business.

Sincere Conversations

No two people are alike, as we each have our unique approach and vocabulary for word choices, making it critical not to copy others. We must commit to being original in every aspect possible as it is the only way to earn trust and the commitment to conducting business. 

Your Prize

Review all your strategies in place and previous conversations that raise questions about the possibility of finalizing the sale. Clarify any misunderstanding or double-entendre, reassure your prospects and clients that you have their best interests in mind, and demonstrate that you live by your words. It’s critical to demonstrate your integrity and credibility quietly with the actions you take and words you express.

When you feel confidence growing in your ability, it’s wise to reflect on your long-term goals as times and capabilities change. Confirm what you wish to achieve and how you may do so to make it your reality. Leave no possibility untouched to create a new reality for the vision you hold near and dear today. Know that anything is possible with your unique plan and total commitment in place. The private goal is to become ‘Unstoppable.’

Conclusion: Commit to Your Desires to Enjoy Better Outcomes

Admitting our shortcomings to gain the knowledge we need and testing new ideas as we move forward can be the key to achieving our desired outcomes. It’s best to view every day as a learning opportunity for overcoming errors and advancement toward our goals. Ambition is to always be with us as we strive to surpass poor experiences to achieve what we most desire eventually. All the while, as you seek to do your best to assist current clientele, good word spreads for them almost to appear as our hidden salesforce by providing referrals and testimonials that drive further business behind the scenes.


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Communicate to Attract Interest

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!

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