Upon visiting San Francisco, Tony Bennet’s song, ‘I Left My Heart in San Francisco, immediately came to mind.’ As a former resident, I was reminded of the creativity everywhere in every capacity imaginable, and I miss it!
Moreover, our daily five-mile walks around the city revealed an entirely new experience. Most of us are familiar with Google Maps, but are you aware there is now a new app for the Google Driverless Car in San Francisco?
Upon summoning the car, the only driver for arriving where you desire is the Google Maps on the dashboard and satellite technology on top of the vehicle. I was encouraged to sit in the front seat to film a bit of the journey. ‘No’ was not an option, so I crossed my fingers to enjoy the experience, hopefully!
As one who suffered an ‘irreparable broken neck’ due to the reckless driving of another, you can imagine I was hesitant. Nevertheless, I sat in the front seat to experience sheer amazement!
Satellite Guidance on Top and Google Maps on the Dashboard
The city has narrow and crowded streets with both vehicles and pedestrians. How safe can a driverless car be? A person walking on the street decided to cross the street although the light was red. Did we hit the person? The driverless vehicle knew to stop immediately!
I live in an area where driving is reckless—e.g., someone was ticketed for driving 114 mph on a 45-mile-per-hour street, and sadly that wasn’t the first time. I am hopeful that one day, sooner than later, the Google driverless car will make it across the country. Safety First!
It’s wise to use your free time to contemplate how you approach business and the change(s) you might make. The goal is to use your heart to inspire your audience as part of a community service project and ultimately grow your business.
At stake is to fit into a crowded playing field by consenting to be like everyone else or to stand out by being unique. Creativity goes a long way to deliver the inspiration your audience and clientele seek before agreeing to do business with you.
While not every city has creativity on display everywhere you go, you can consider what and where you find almost instant inspiration to use as your business companion. We see it in the outdoors or conversations with peers and friends.
It is our job to seek inspiration whenever possible and make it, at the very least, an hourly habit once per week. Tracking the difference the habit makes in future outcomes will be a significant factor. Even better is to incorporate heartfelt matters into your plan.
Use Heart to Inspire Your Audience and for Business Growth
If you are skeptical about adding heart to your business model, try it one step at a time and track the results. Undoubtedly, you will begin to attract a larger audience and clientele. When people notice that you care about them and welcome your ideas, you will start to enjoy the Smooth Sale!
For more Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
Communicate to Attract Interest

Be A Story-Teller
“Believe, Become, Empower”
Sales Tips: Use Heart to Inspire Your Audience and for Business
- Know the needs and desires of your audience, including your next new employer, in detail. Be Inspired and Inspiring!
- Refrain from dismissing a creative idea, but realize how you may apply it to business.
- Creativity in your work attracts greater interest.
- Using inspiration has your audience realize that you care about your work and them.
- Consider a sudden thought that may apply to your business growth.
- Test each new idea individually to ensure it works well before implementing another.
- Visit places such as museums that may stimulate the mind and promote new ideas.
- Convert disturbing instances to doing something good for your community.
- Incorporate community service and use your heart to inspire your audience and business growth.
- Celebrate Success