Greetings & Happy New Year, Fiery
Friends and Good Vibe Fire Tribe!
It has indeed been many months
since we last connected in this way, and I am truly feeling beyond thankful to
be in the space to be able to share this with you today :).
As I sit at my dining room table
writing this right now, feeling a true sense of clarity, contentment and
purpose, I am humbled to think that just under a year ago there were times that
even entertaining the idea of feeling whole or okay felt damn near
So if you - or someone you love,
coach, or mentor - is reaching for a way forward, I share this story &
article with the intention of sparking some hope; that no matter how dark things
may seem or how long you may step away from your true self:
There. Is. Always. A Way.
Shortly after celebrating our
return from an epic spring road trip at the end of April, 2021, ripe with
material for Part 2 of the Onward, Upward & Forward course,
all hell broke loose:
After two surgeries since January
of 2021, my brother began chemotherapy and radiation treatments, which led to
extreme complications and a 4-month long touch-and-go stay at the
VA hospital with extended recovery
time thereafter.
At the same time, my mom's health
had declined and her changing needs required moving her 4 times, culminating in
a final stay in the Covid wing of our local Hospice house where
she made her transition on August
19, 2021 - all while my brother was still fighting for his life in the
As the Healthcare Guardian for both
of them and sole family member in a position to take an active role in
advocating for their well-being, their care became THE focus of my life.
Though I feel truly proud to be
able to look back and KNOW I did absolutely everything I could to help my family
(and am especially thankful to be celebrating the fact that my brother is now
cancer-free), this was an experience that truly shook me to the core.
Had it not been for my amazing
husband, loving "soul family," the caring, helpful people I met along the way, a
willingness to ask for help when I needed it, the tools I discovered
from "the school of life," and the
wisdom gathered from a lifetime with my mom, I would not be here sharing this
message with you today.
So on that note, I felt it
appropriate & (as mom would say) "auspicious" to begin the journey Onward,
Upward & Forward into 2022 with THIS:
May these words & ideas ignite
a spark and feed the fires of new beginnings, possibility, and forward motion
for YOU :).
Life Celebration
of Rev. Sylvia "Sylvianna" "Dolly" Romano, PhD
those of you who are local to the Tampa Bay, FL,
USA area,
be honored to have you join us for the celebration of my mom's
Monday, February 21, 2022
(President's Day & Mom's
Time TBA (but it will be 4pm or
Unitarian Universalist Church
2470 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL
Service will include music &
Get-together (location TBA) to
follow the service
Out of respect to my mom who passed
due to Covid-19,
we prefer that all guests be fully
...But will allow unvaccinated
persons to attend
who are well & willing to wear a mask
over their nose and mouth throughout the service
For those who are not able to
attend, we will be filming the service and posting a video at a later
Simply REPLY to
this email with the subject "RSVP Life Celebration"
Thank you 1,000 times for your
love, patience, and understanding during this intense and transformative time in
my life.
Here's to CREATING a bright,
beautiful New Year
by MOVING Onward, Upward &
and to living Life on FIRE
for the benefit of ALL :)
Much Love & Big Hugs!
Terez "Firewoman"