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Imagination and Travel Empower Moving Forward

When we open our minds to creative thoughts and ideas, we can surpass obstacles and move onward. Observation can be one of the most incredible learning experiences, particularly when we travel to various countries and meet people from different cultures. Using all our senses (including taste), we deepen the experience and realize how to proceed with business intuitively upon our return.

To my surprise, one hotel overseas features quotes of well-known CEOs of American companies in their lobby. it was to my surprise that I saw a few of Jobs’ quotes posted, which I share now:

·      ‘Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.’

·      ‘When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it. They just saw something!

More importantly:

·      ‘If you don’t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs.’

Ancient Times Raise Questions

It was a treat to visit the ancient cities of Croatia and Montenegro, which were built long ago. According to a Google search, the first city walls were built in the 9th century, about 1600 years old, but were entirely rebuilt during the Venetian Period (1420 – 1797).

The walls were built high in the hills overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. 

Speaking of imagination, how did the people have the knowledge, skill set, and tools to build the remarkable fortresses? Moreover, how was everything carried to the hilltops? Some speculate that ancient aliens assisted with pyramids of the past; could the same apply in this case? 


Seeing the ancient cities, walking the cobblestone sidewalks and roads, and speaking with small-business owners gave way to reflecting on all I appreciate about my work and personal life. The reflection emphasized how I am to focus on my return and what to pursue moving forward.

Looking to the Sky for Moving Forward

Continue to embrace all the learning lessons, both good and bad. These events point one to a better path for a fruitful journey. Disappointments happen daily, and incorporate what you learn into your next project or journey to improve future outcomes.

Remember, what you think and how you decide to proceed matter most. If you need proof, in addition to your long-term and short-term goal setting, make a separate list of your fulfilling goals achieved as time moves forward. This will motivate you to continue your unique path regardless of what others say. Retaining your unique identity and approach to business and everyday life will have unforeseen accomplishments almost magically occur!

Summary: Look to the Sky and Observe for Moving Forward

The reflection during vacation and upon my return confirms that the creative mind may work in mysterious ways. Following our intuition, the success we desire upfront eventually appears when we remain faithful to our ambitions and goals.

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Communicate to Attract Interest

Be A Story-Teller

“Believe, Become, Empower”

Sales Tips: Look to the Sky and Observe for Moving Forward

1.   Commit to your long-term vision for accomplishment(s) and to enjoy success. 

2.   Review all tools and strategies to realize where you may implement a better approach.

3.   Monitor which efforts appeal to your prospects and clientele the most. 

4.   Be open to all new ideas for consideration to uncover the better ones for your business.

5.   Take breaks during the weekend and a yearly vacation to allow your mind to wander and create new ideas.

6.   Consider what may inspire people to do business with you in person or online to become loyal clients.

7.   Always balance the bottom line with additional expenditures to ensure a solid footing.

8.   Stay current with industry news and research what the pundits say to realize better ideas for motivating the people you work with to new levels.

9.   ‘Don’t give up – find a better way!’

10.                Celebrate Success!

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