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Who will lead the Collaboration Age?

Are you an inventor or an implementer?  Every race car driver needs a team to perfect the car in order to win the race! Are you the race car driver or the mechanic?

Are you looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or are you pursuing happiness (often referred to as your purpose)? What if you could have both?

Have you been gifted with the ability to predict the future of our society - where we are going? Wayne Gretsky reminds us to know where the puck is going, not where it is now.

 Do you sense the new era emerging that is changing the way people live, work and play?

Examples of the shift - empowering  executives, entrepreneurs and  experts:

1.       To implement your ideas fast, i.e. get your products, services & solutions to market with ease.

2.       To expose your expertise, events, achievements, credentials, new news, etc. to the world.

3.       Collaborating – work together - to create new solutions.

4.       Selling your solutions immediately.

5.       As you promote your own solutions, automatically promote others as well. Another form of collaboration.

This new way of doing business is timely, as there are 4 generations in the workplace currently. Did you know 10,000 boomers leave the workplace every day in the US? Many boomers don’t want to return to the workplace and do what they have been doing. Instead they want to pursue their passion. The younger generations don’t want to work 60 hours week, they want flex time. They saw their parents give their life to a company just to be kicked to the curb before they retired or loose their pension. They did not receive any rewards for their loyalty. Many younger people have the ability to multi-task and are filled with creativity. They  don’t want to be confined to the same work environment most of their waking hours.

On the other hand many employers claim they can’t afford full-time employees due to the cost of the benefits. Plus, they realize they don’t utilize the person’s expertise on a regular basis so why are they paying them for that talent they don’t have the need to tap in to except upon an occasion?

Are you one of the specialized skilled people in the workplace that feels under-utilized? Are you asked to do tasks below your pay grade just to keep busy?

Is your creativity stifled due to your work environment? Are you are stuck in a cube or in an open area with no privacy or ability to think?

What are Managers to do with all their direct reports texting, taking personal phone calls, responding to Facebook posts, tweets, etc. throughout the day?  Managers know this behavior brings productivity down, but if not permitted morale is very low. People  need to feel connected and to know what is going on around the world consistently.

Another new concept is that we are becoming a global society. With Facebook friends from all over the globe, we feel connected without ever having met the other person.

Why is all of that important to note? Now we know how to work, or at least communicate, with people via Skype, email, while using tools such as Google docs to share information.

We are becoming more savvy working with people with different backgrounds, time zones, culture and ideas.

All this new diversity is ushering in creativity like never before! How exciting! To master mind with others with different points of view is priceless. Imagine bringing solutions to market with less effort. Amazing!

The bottom line is we are happiest when we do what we love to do (follow our passion, our purpose, our niche in life). When we are happy, we feel better and we enjoy life, which lowers crime and domestic violence rates. This will increase self empowerment, productivity, which increases cash flow which strengthens our economy, in this case our global economy. WOW!

As we connect, we learn about each other’s goals, aspirations and we figure out how we can collaborate to create new inventions or improve existing products and services.

We have a way to celebrate our milestones as well, so we stay motivated to continue doing what we love, and love what we are doing!

Now, we need a leader to take the steering wheel and drive in the new Collaboration Age with gusto and grace.

So…if you are looking to be the next trend, the new COLLABORATION AGE LEADER, you might consider looking at LinktoEXPERT and its 181+ streams of active, passive and residual income. You could be the one the world has been waiting for.

Next step – Contact me (727) 791.7338 or with your intentions and why you are the best leader.

Will you lead this new era with Authority, Excellence & Compassion???

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