Do you know what September is?
September is National Self-Care Awareness Month! |
Seven years ago, a woman named Pati Hope spearheaded the effort to have a month dedicated to awareness around the importance of self-care. Imagine that! You can learn more about her and her efforts HERE. |
I've learned that exquisite self-care goes far beyond massages, bubble baths and pedicures. It's also about making good decisions, even when they feel difficult. It's about doing the hard things that end up benefiting you in the end. It 's about taking the best care of yourself so you can take the best care of those who matter most. |
Why not make a conscious decision to level up your self-care game this month? I'd love to hear how you're going to do that, so shoot me an e-mail or let me know on Instagram or Facebook! |
Super stoked to announce that my book is part of the inaugural Community Care Behavioral Health Art Show, which opens tomorrow, Wednesday, September 6th at the Millvale Library here in Pittsburgh. The opening reception begins at 6 pm and everyone is invited!! |
Bring a friend and peruse the amazing art done by locals as a way to express themselves and to maintain their mental health. If you've never been to the Millvale Library, I can assure you it is the most quaint and inviting library I've ever been in. Plus¦ refreshments :) Hope to see you there! |
Here are some of the comments from reviews on Amazon for the journal. |
Guide on the side, not sage on the stage! Powerful and easy tool for journaling. Perfect for evoking and provoking personal exploration |
If you haven't gotten your own copy of The 10-Minute Self-Care Journal, you can order at Amazon. The feedback affirms my decision to put other things on hold to create and publish it. I can honestly say doing the work in it has added so much joy and expansion to my life. I hope you'll consider getting it for you or someone you care about. |
Have a great start to National Self-Care Awareness Month! next week¦ |