SERIES: Part Three of a Four-Part Article
Nothing is more frustrating than leaving a meeting with what you
feel is a clear understanding of what you and others are to do on a given
project, only to come back together and find someone else has dropped the ball!
“Oh, I did not realize I was supposed to do that…” or “Oh, I did not realize you
meant for it to be done now…” or “Oh, I did not realize I could use that to do
this. I can get started directly on it if you still want.” Consider these the
Academy Award-winners of excuse performances; they will continue until you find
a non-combative, conversational means for pre-engaging these people before you
conclude your next meeting.
While the training and development industry has been advocating a consensus
decision-making model for decades, many still find reaching consensus
difficult. Consider the SMART© Formula as a template for future one-on-one,
email and teleconference dialogues in meetings:
Specific (S) – Ensure that there is very precise communication exchange
taking place between all appropriate personalities by asking, “Am I specific enough
with the details and with “WHAT” is being needed with this person?” The degree
of “Specific” will be determine by the knowledge and experience levels of the
participants in the dialogue, the previous history you have with them and their
personality/social style. Don’t overkill the topic presentation of which a
clear understanding and agreement is needed, but at the same time, don’t
Measurable (M) – Make sure that “what” is being discussed is also being
addressed from the vantage point of “How” it must be addressed or is expected
to be addressed.
Attain Agreement (A) – This is actually how you monitor whether you are doing
the “S, M, R, T” steps of the SMART© formula. Here, your objective is to
facilitate a non-threatening conversation with the other person(s) in a
meeting, whereby consensus from everyone is sought. Work to attain agreement
for each step along the way, thereby removing the opportunity for excuse making
to occur!
Realistic (R) – Conversationally work to draw affirming comments from
each participant to ensure that “What” is being discussed and “How” it is to be
addressed is reasonable. This requires that your case be made poignantly and
factually. If everyone else can see “Why” one must participate, the level of
commitment and consensus increases!
Time Frame (T) – Obviously, communicating any interim deadlines and the
final deadline would be addressing “When” something must be addressed.
Working to ensure effective dialogue among all participants to a
decision is essential to idea generation and increased productivity and
profitability associated with a decision. Making that decision, and ensuring
the highest level of consensus, buy-in and execution from all attendees in a
meeting situation, makes the use of the SMART© Formula even smarter tactical
You can even enhance the level of effectiveness coming out of a meeting. For
example, send an after-action e-mail to all participants in the meetings, as
well as all appropriate management players to whom the players in the meeting
report. In the short e-mail, detail who owns which items and invite everyone to
e-mail any suggestions for greater efficiency at the outset.
Be smart in your actions, and increased productivity on the part of everyone
equally will become the norm of your business.
Tell us how you are increasing productivity at your company.