Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king’s horses And all the king’s men Couldn’t Put Humpty Dumpty
together again. (Or wouldn’t put Humpty together again.)
the case, the bottom line is that Humpty Dumpty ended up on the ground broken,
busted, and totally disgusted and it was at that point that Humpty Dumpty had
to make a critical decision: to end up as a scrambled egg or sunny-side up! It
doesn’t matter what happens to you in life; it only matters what you do about
it! Sometimes in life we are going to have problems that overwhelm us, problems
that are painful, difficult, and will knock us down. We might be down, but we
do not have to be out. There may be no one able or willing to help us but
ourselves. That is when we must take full responsibility for ourselves. I once
heard a preacher say, ‘‘You may not be responsible for getting knocked down,
but you are responsible for getting back up!’’ I couldn’t agree more. It does
not matter what happens to you; it only matters what you do about it. Get up,
and get busy! Remember, the choice is up to you!
How do you get up and get busy?
Remember: It only takes a
minute to change your life!