Out with the old, make way for the NEW!!
Clear out the Old to makeroom for the New! |
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Springtime is associated with new beginnings and transformation. After the winter season, trees have lost their leaves, the snow has melted, and temperatures have risen. This provides the right environment for trees, plants, and flowers to bud, bloom, and grow. Springtime is also an excellent time to do spring cleaning in our homes. It’s easy to accumulate a lot of "stuff" that we don't use, need, or want. Our closets, drawers, garages, files, and other nooks and crannies can often get unorganized and overflowing with the sheer volume of “stuff” that we bring in and then hold on to. Consider it an opportunity to eliminate what no longer serves us and make room for the new things we want to let in! |
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So, during this season, consider taking time to start clearing out things you no longer use. That can include clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, decorations, or food in your pantry. There is something cathartic about giving things away, especially to someone who needs them and can use them well. Don’t worry…you don't have to do all of this simultaneously, as that can clearly be overwhelming. Pick just one room or closet at a time and dedicate one hour a week to cleaning it out. You might be surprised how much you can do with one uninterrupted hour of focus. |
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You can allow more wanted things into our lives when you are in this aligned emotional and mental place (the Green Zone). This doesn't just mean more new stuff, but might also include inspired ideas, relationships, and opportunities. Take time to clear out and allow yourself to spring into exciting and fulfilling new adventures! With Love and Joy, The Neuroshifts Family |
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TODAY at 4pm EST, don't miss your chance to join us for our FREE workshop; Your Parenting Style Influences Your Childs Future. If you have ever asked yourself, 'What will happen to my child after I am gone?', you will want to attend this workshop. REGISTER HERE NOW |
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Foundations for Friendships is thriving! Our virtual meetup group for young adults is getting a lot of positive reviews across the web! This group meets weekly, both virtually and in person. If you have a child sitting in isolation and looking to make new friends, this is where they want to be. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER AND FOR MORE INFO |
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