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Yes! Energy Makes Life More Livable

01 Feb 2015 | Posted Under Mindset


Yes! Energy Makes Life More Livable

There are some people out there who can't say yes to anything without polling their lives to death.  Some of them have been doing it for so long that it feels unnatural NOT to issue a poll on even the smallest of decisions. As a result, what they see as slow, methodical, decision making is actually costing them opportunities and money. They are known as the ‘tire kickers of the world’. They will question everything and kick every tire before eventually, maybe, saying yes or watching the opportunity fly past them at lightning speed.

I don't know about you, but I think that's a horrible way to live.

Not only is that way of life the exact OPPOSITE of Yes! Energy, it's a drag.  We've all met someone like that, or can identify it in ourselves at one time or another. This constant polling results in one thing, regret. It's the . . .  I should have, could have, would have, if only conversation that comes from a consistent pattern of saying NO.

Here is a fact: Opportunities WILL pass you by, if you get suck in the muck of MAYBE.

When you embrace your Yes! Energy, you will be surprised at how more livable life will become.  Instead of fighting the current, you start to go with it.  Life is an exciting journey, but too many people fight it and don't embrace their Yes! Energy to go with the flow and make decisions.

Repeat after me….

Say YES! Now and Then Figure Out How.

Getting stuck in the how, in the muck of maybe . . .  will get you hung up in the current of life every time.  Try it this week. Say Yes! to something that you normally would poll yourself about.

Stop fighting the current and polling yourself out of opportunities . . . Say YES!

Need help with learning how to say 'YES' and build your confidence and certainty, invest in private coaching at group coaching rates!  Find out how. 

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