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New FREE Tools! Affirmation Video, Attract LOVE, 5 Ways to MOVE FORWARD+

08 Feb 2023 | Posted Under Success


Affirmation Video+
How to Attract LOVE
5 Ways to Move Forward
& More!

Greetings & Happy February,
Fiery Friends!

Here's hoping this new month
finds you smiling and thriving!


- 5 Ways to Move Forward + NEW FREE TOOLS

- #HumanNatureMonday Video

- Attract LOVE Article:
Allowing VALENTINE Success!

- Learn & Grow

- Music News



As we all know, it feels SO good
to get SUPER-excited about
the new year and
set all kinds of amazing goals…

…But when “life” happens and
the multitude of distractions
that are part of daily life ensure,
it can be all too easy to
get side-tracked when it comes
to realizing your intentions
and goals for the year.

What is a fab, fiery go-getter
like you to do to stay on track?

Here are:


1. Wake up with clear intention
& focus
You a FAR more likely to
have a productive day
when you start out with
a productive FOCUS

2. Set a “small slice intention”
(The result you’d like to experience)
BEFORE moving on to the next thing

Before you step into the next meeting,
go on a date, get ready to contact
someone, meet with a client, etc.,
take a moment to stop and get clear about
how you want that experience
to feel & flow (WDYW?)

3. Put your intentions and action steps
for the week in writing

Even the most UBER-focused human
can get side-tracked. Having a solid
list for the week is like plugging a destination
into your GPS. And having a clear
direction is super powerful for
helping you to get and STAY in motion.

4. Feed your dreams with evidence
of success via positive data, stories, shows,
podcasts, conversations, audiobooks,
or music daily

Rather than buy into a billion
reasons why life is awful, hard, etc.
(which is a total vibe-killer, BTW),
feed your head with the kind of data
and positive MUSIC that backs up
the idea that what you
desire CAN be possible
– and it CAN even be possible
for YOU.

5. Get an accountability partner/group
& check in weekly

For me, this has been a MEGA
game-changer for breaking through
& encouraging consistent forward motion
– and studies have shown that
humans are 65% more likely
to follow through after
committing to another person!

With this spirit, I decided to share
something very special with you:

In addition to the tools in all
of my courses, I decided to create
a new way to help you continue to
feed positive momentum and
BIG accomplishment energy:

Visit our new FREE TOOLS page for:

1. A new, powerful

2. High-vibe, inspiring

If you are open and willing to
feel good, these videos will
absolutely, positively raise
your vibe and ignite a spark
of inspiration to help you
start your day with clear focus,
passion, and purpose!

You can also play these
ANY time you’d like to
shift or reset your vibe as well :).

Many who have studied
Law of Attraction, manifesting,
and the power of focus
also know that we begin
a new Point Of Attraction (POA)
in as little as 16/17 seconds,
and 68 seconds is all it takes
to get momentum going... imagine what the effects
could be of focusing for 2:22+
on positive, life-giving, forward-facing
ideas & images daily?!

Watching these videos daily
is definitely helping my husband & me
stay focused, and I know – if you are
open, willing, and consistent –
it can definitely help you too :).

& ENJOY some fun, FREE tools!


#HumanNatureMonday Video

VIDEO: Release Resistance, Move Forward

Explore a new approach to
a fab Tampa trail (& LIFE)
in this week's #HumanNatureMonday


ARTICLE: Allowing VALENTINE Success!

Looking for love?
Read this article for tips & tools
to attract & allow more
LOVE in your life!







Wishing you ever-increasing
joy, love, well-being, abundance
and forward motion!

Much Love & Big Hugs!


Learn & Grow

Here I share links to helpful online courses,
along with specials & bonuses!

Courses that offer Content +
Life Coach Certifications & Income Potential:

1. Focus Mastery & Breakthrough Life Coach
Dual Certification Course:
Help yourself and others move Onward, Upward & Forward
in life and earn TWO Life Coach Certifications

2. Law of Attraction/Allowing YOUR Success!
Life Coach Certification:
Help yourself and others master the art of
manifesting & RECEIVING


Courses for Personal Growth:

1. Onward, Upward & Forward Master Class:
Finding Future Focus while Overcoming Grief

This course includes THE tools
that helped me move from coping
to thriving during one of THE most
difficult times in my life & includes
tools & resources for overcoming anxiety,
depression & even trauma.

AND for those who simply want
to discover greater clarity, balance,
and flow, the course also offers
tools for starting your NEW YEAR
strong by getting MEGA clarity
about what you actually WANT
and a solid road map to get there!


All content from this course
is also included in the
"Focus Mastery & Breakthrough
Life Coach..." Course,
but if you don't care about certification
and want to save some $
this is the course to take.

2. Law of Attraction/Allowing Your Success!
Master Class
Go deeper into advanced manifesting
concepts and learn how to move
from affirming to actually RECEIVING!

In this course, you'll discover
innovative concepts and tools
to bring your understanding of
what the LOA actually is, how to
upgrade your POA (Point of Attraction),
and most importantly, how to
create a great "REP"
(Repeating Emotional Pattern)
with 12 power topics
and over 25 power tools!

All content from this course
is also included in the
"Law of Attraction/Allowing YOUR Success!
Life Coach..." Course,
but if you don't care about certification
and want to save some $
this is the course to take.


More ways to Learn & Grow

---NEW: Group Coaching---

Visit my new COACHING page
for a powerful group coaching experience that starts 3/7/23!

---Life Coaching---

In addition to my love of creating content,
facilitating, speaking, and creating music,
I have always had a passion for
sharing tools to help others
feel better & thrive.

And now that my journey
with my mom is complete
and my brother is 100% cancer free
and independent (hooray!!!),
I have decided to start
accepting new coaching clients.

Pricing & program info is also
available on my new COACHING page:

If you would enjoy moving
"Onward, Upward & Forward",
"Allowing YOUR Success!",
and working one-on-one with me,
reach out to:

MUSIC NEWS! 2-8-23

"Onward, Upward & Forward"
is now available worldwide on all
Streaming Platforms!

ROCK your next Month, Season
Birthday, or New Beginning
with a powerful ANTHEM
to moving Onward, Upward & Forward



---2/11/23, 5:30 - 10:00PM---
@The Bradenton Country Club
(private function)
Fire & Soul Duo
(John Hartmann & Firewoman)
+ DJ Firewoman
Golf Tournament Awards & Dinner-Dance

---3/4/23, 10:00PM - 1:00AM---
Duo with Guitarist John Mayeaux
& Firewoman
Dance & Variety!

---3/25/23, 6PM---
(private function)
Trio with Bass Artist Walter Kittle,
Trumpet Artist Chuck Weirich
& Firewoman
Commodore's Ball Dinner-Dance

---4/15/23, 10:00PM - 1:00AM---
Cannon-Fire Duo
(Sax Man Gene Cannon & Firewoman)
Dance & Variety!

More dates coming soon!

Looking forward to celebrating MUSIC
& LIFE with you then!


To your venue, festival, concert series,
special event, or house party, reach out to:

And promote your brand
in our videos, reach out to:

For your film, series, documentary,
show, video, campaign,
non-profit org or more, reach out to:


...Here's to remembering that life
?is always better with a great soundtrack!

Much Love & BIG HUGS!
~Terez Firewoman


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