In today’s society, responsibility is hardly a popular or common theme.
To the contrary, we are often engaged
in the on-going blame game. We find easy fault with others while often
fully absolving ourselves in the process!
After being involved in several recent
conversations, some of which took place on a national level, I was both
surprised and disappointed. Specifically, I found myself wondering how
personal responsibility could be overlooked as part of the greater
social contract.
In this latest podcast, I have taken
up the various meanings of the word responsible. These definitions bring
attention to the various moral and rational decisions we make. They
help us realize how what we choose to think, say and do affect the
outcomes we experience in life.
I’ve also related these definitions to
two personal stories – one of my own and a second involving a male
friend – where personal responsibility plays a valuable role. What I
share may step on more than a few proverbial toes. They’ll challenge
some popular, modern narratives. However, these anecdotes illuminate the
power we have to be accountable, at least in part, for the
contributions we make that help form our life experiences.
When we can own our part in social exchanges, we can grow in confidence, peace, self-possession and personal happiness.
Listen here to my latest podcast entitled, Are You Responsible?
Have any comments and feedback? I’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts by writing to me at Maura@Maura4u.com.

Maura is an International Speaker on Influence, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
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