Secrets to Help You Transform Your Life Into One Full of Wealth
Wealth is NOT Just Money…
you think of wealth, what is the first thing that pops in your head?
MONEY, right?!? Most people think money and wealth are synonymous.
True wealth actually involves so much more. James Arthur Ray says it
is only a part of the equation.”
(It’s one-fifth to be exact!)
all 5 parts of your life aren’t working together, then you’re not
really wealthy. And James knows what he’s talking about because he
created a $10 MILLION company that hit the Inc. 500 list in 2009 as
one of the fastest growing privately held companies in the United
States. Now this is someone that you definitely want in your circle.
has definitely had no “easy street.” Starting from a low-income
childhood in humble beginnings, no Ivy League education, and no trust
fund, he built from nothing to Inc. 500; and then lost everything
following a terrible accident. Being $20M in debt, bankrupt,
homeless, and 55 years of age, most would have thrown in the towel.
Not James. He states, “When you know your Powerful Transforming
Purpose you don’t give up.”
also states, “True wealth is not what you have. True wealth is what
you’re left with when all you have is gone.”
James is back again overcoming his extreme adversity to teach you and
others how to do the same.
Nichols was a struggling single mom trying to make ends meet while on
public assistance. Being unable to see the light at the end of the
tunnel, something had to give. Luckily, she was able to discover her
untapped talent and realize infinite potential.
Lisa is a millionaire entrepreneur.
rags-from-riches story mirrors some people’s experiences.
Unfortunately, many are still living paycheck-to-paycheck and unable
to dig themselves out of financial worries. Others may have already
jumped on the entrepreneur bandwagon but just can’t seem to break
even or get their company to a point of financial freedom. Still
others are just looking for a way to maximize their wealth. Could
this be you too?
YOU READY to Manifest True Wealth, Abundance and So Much More?
being given simple solutions designed to help you gain wealth in both
your personal and professional life. WAN Global, LLC is doing just
that by offering a life-transforming event that you don’t want to
miss. Lisa Nichol and James Arthur Ray – both world-renowned
speakers/trainers/coaches, and New York Times bestselling authors;
both stars of the hit movie documentary "The Secret" –
PLUS a fantastic lineup of speakers will be sharing their
attending the Wealth Summit, you’ll have the opportunity to learn
from all of these experts in the field. In addition to hearing about
James’ five pillars of Harmonic Wealth®
and Lisa’s story about how to manifest wealth and abundance in your
life, many other topics will also be covered. Here’s just a few:
to increase sales
building through social media
to protect your wealth
secrets of the wealthy
Life Transforming Event is Not to be Missed
us for the upcoming 2018 Tampa Bay Wealth Summit happening on April
21, 2018 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Get your tickets to this
transformational event today before it’s too late. Choose general
seating or take advantage of the best deal and opt for VIP tickets
with red carpet treatment, reserved seating and lunch with James,
Lisa and other speakers. We also offer special pricing for groups.
in the Tampa Bay area? No worries! You can still view the entire
Wealth Summit by pay-per-view.
life-transforming event is guaranteed to provide key tools and
effective strategies to help you obtain the wealth you deserve for
you and your family. It’s perfect for business owners,
entrepreneurs and companies.
online TODAY at:
looking forward to meeting you at this phenomenal event!
Act fast because this life transformation event is sure to sell out!
Tickets are limited.
To Success!
Kathy Perry