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Your Fairy Godmother

I have always wanted a fairy godmother, how about you?

Maybe it’s because in the literal sense of fairy tales, we often hold onto the wrong part of the fantasy.

M A G I C A L ?

She doesn’t wave a wand and turn you into someone else. She shines who you are. You are you. Your best you. The queen of the ball ??

It has been a rough year and half. Many of us have been in lounge wear too long with possible woodland creatures in our hair. Some have forgotten what you even like to wear… or what makes you feel really good when you wear it…. The desperate shopping has already started, knowing it is time to step out into the world again.

Kirstan Perry is here to have your back… see your beauty… help you shed everything that doesn’t shine that radiant being you are… and leave you feeling (and looking) M A G I C A L ?

Kirstan is here to be your fairy godmother ?????

Learn more about Kirstan Perry at:

To Success!

Kathy Perry

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