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Spiritual Style Guide - Speaker

12 Apr 2022 | Posted Under Speaker
Kirstan Perry is available for Podcast Interviews on the following topics:

* Dress for the Life you Want
* Closet Reiki - The Energetics of our Clothing
* Style Archetypes - self expressed through our style
* The Power of our Stories - how we share them through what we wear

Free Bonus Offer for Listeners:  The 'Simply Magic Style Guide' - a template to create a personalized Capsule Wardrobe with 7 Looks in 7 days

Kirstan has spent 15+ years working as a professional fashion stylist in NYC working for major brands (GAP, Victoria's Secret, LOFT, Lou & Grey...) and is also certified in Reiki.

Kir - pic of 1 sheet.JPG
Kir - pic of 1 sheet -2.JPG

Many thanks for considering my daughter to interview on your podcast!

Kathy Perry

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