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Why You?

30 Dec 2022 | Posted Under Wellness

January 16, 2022 was the day I decided to change my life. I had been on high blood pressure medicine for many years. I do not like to take medicine because I believe in letting your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. However, my high blood pressure continued no matter how many things I tried to improve the situation. For example, from 2000 to 2014, I went to the gym almost every day. The physical fitness trainers would tell me to go home because I had been there three hours taking classes like spinning, kickboxing, total body, yoga, boxing, water aerobics, Zumba, Qi Chong, Tia Chi, stretch classes, and more. I was fortunate to be a member of the Safety Harbor Resort and Spa for 14 years, however I still did not lose the excess weight I had put on after being diagnosed with Hyper Thyroid. I had blown out my adrenal glands due to the 20 years of traveling over 1,000,000 miles because I was in sales, and at that time you actually visited clients and prospects; took them for lunch breakfast or dinner before or after you trained their staff on your products. Many people think it's glamorous to live on the road and I do feel fortunate to have experienced so much in over 200 cities, however, it does take a toll on your body, mind, and soul.

 After the 14 years of going to the gym daily, I joined an Ashram to go deeper within, as well as tried many other exercise programs such as Ki Chi Do, Jitsu, and Bikram yoga. I would also ride my bike 12 miles a day for decades, when I was in town.

I was always in pretty good health. I didn't even have a primary care doctor until the end of 2021 when my mother-in-law passed to the other side and my husband asked me to get a primary care doctor. When I went to visit Doctor Elizabeth, she told me the only way I would ever get off of high blood pressure medicine was to lose weight. I told her my story; however, she told me it was one of three problems: portion control, eating at the wrong times, or eating the wrong foods. I was guilty of all three!

Then, my friend, Oanh Henry called to wish me happy holidays. She told me about this program she was a member of called Scale the Limit. She shared a little of her journey in which she had lost 35 pounds and kept them off for months! She introduced me to the founder, Karen Que and I knew right away that I needed to join too.

I continued to eat my way through the holidays, but January 16, 2022 something inside of me knew it was now or never. Karen gave me the guidelines and support I needed to be successful. I am proud to say that I have finally lost that stubborn weight and it’s been easy maintaining my desired weight too.

Why did I want to get healthy? There are several reasons, but number one is I'm a grandmother to an active boy and I want to enjoy playing soccer, football, baseball, volleyball, basketball, frisbee, flying kites, and many other activities with my 11-year-old Dalton.

Another reason is, I love making other people’s lives easier. That is why I created LinktoEXPERT in 2007. Our platform allows you to find an expert and hire them in minutes to implement your ideas and goals fast – Easy! While I love being the “Collaboration Queen”, it does require focus, attention, and much of my energy.

My husband is, of course, another reason to be healthy. Over the years he would mention my weight, often in a humorous way, but I knew he would prefer the healthier version of Joanne he married 36 years ago that looked good, felt good, and had lots of energy.

Scale the Limit transformed me into a better person and I am so happy we decided to partner with Scale the Limit on our health journey. Yes, I did say “we” meaning my husband Rob decided to join me on this weight loss endeavor! He too, had gained weight over the years, plus he was not thrilled when I told him he would have to cook his own meals since I wasn't going to cook food that would tempt me anymore.

Fast forward to today, you can see Rob has lost over 50 pounds and I have lost over 60 pounds!  I averaged losing 1/2 a pound a day. The biggest change you need to make to be successful is your mindset. I encourage you to consider this so you too can live healthier ever after.

Today, I get excited to wear clothes in sizes I haven't worn in decades. I have dropped seven dress sizes and feel terrific when I go out in public in clothes that are modern and flattering instead of the “tents” I used to wear with pearls hoping no one would see the pounds underneath.

I have exuberant energy to continue with my passion to connect, create, collaborate, and celebrate as people implement their ideas and dreams. I continue to play sports and have lots of fun with my grandson without getting winded. My husband and I are like newlyweds again as we have conquered this challenge together, have grown closer during the process, and enjoy keeping each other accountable by encouraging each other regularly.

Because this health journey was so successful for me, I wanted to share my story with you because you too can enjoy a healthy happy prosperous life. If you're interested, please call me personally so we can discuss and if you want, I can introduce you to Scale the Limit.

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