June 16, 2018 – Powerscourt Waterfall
Greetings, Dear One, yes, it is I, Mary Magdalene. As I step into each
of your energy fields, I ask you to hold the space of love for this beloved
frequency of the element of water. Know, Dearest Children, that you are made
out of water, and most of your body is in this beautiful fluid frequency of
Divine light and Divine love, the power of the water that is not only held
within your physicality, but in the energy field in which you were born, in the
womb of the mother, the sacred fluid of the great goddess energy. And so today,
we ask you to feel the energy of the beautiful waterfall, and allow this
essence to now begin to shift any vibration within you that is disharmonic or
not of great balance. For you see, Dearest Ones, many of you are holding the
imprints of your parents, your grandparents, your ancestors, and even the
energy of their belief systems that have held you captive to what we call the
energy of the Old World Order, the energy and essence of life that no longer
serves you. Please, my children, I ask you to call in this frequency of the
element of the water, and begin to feel the refreshing, rejuvenating, restoring,
and revitalizing energy of this powerful water that is running not only through
your physicality, but through your own etheric field. Can you begin to tap into
the power of the water to allow yourself to feel the flow of life, the
energetic frequency of life, the power of the energy of the water? Just as the
wind, just as the Earth, just as the fire, the power of the water is now moving
through your life, allowing Divine Grace, Holy Grace to enter into your
frequency. Allowing the sacred flow of the beautiful synchronistic energy of
the power of water to create and to recreate your soul’s journey as you move
forward into your life with ease and grace.
And so I ask you, Dearest Children, to take a deep inhaling breath, and
if you so shall, begin to breathe in the vibration of the eons and the ions
that are being emitted here at this waterfall. Can you feel it? Can you sense
it? Can you literally taste the energy of the pure water as you feel this
frequency in your physical taste buds, on your tongue? Can you feel the
vibration of this powerful frequency of this energy bringing forth an energy of
a live essence, a live frequency within you, as if every cell within your body
is being recharged with the powerful eons and ions that are being emitted from
this waterfall? Allow the beautiful scenery here to now enter into your
conscious and your subconscious as you allow yourself to meditate and to rest
with my words, with my message, with my healing, and with my understanding that
each of you are sacred beings of light, and that your physical bodies are
temples, that you literally are the temples holding this powerful vibrational
frequency of the element of water within your temple, which will allow your
bodies to be strong and vibrant, and allow yourself to clear the memories and
the imprints of your ancestors, of all diseases, of all karmic patterns and all
old imprints that no longer serve you.
Yes, Dearest Children, I am asking you to call in the energy of this
beautiful waterfall, the energy of the element of water to begin to clear your
DNA to begin to clear the energy within your physicality of your ancestral
patterning, and your genetic patterning of any diseases that you are holding
and carrying. Some may not believe this, some may not understand this, but
those who wish to call forth vibrant health, abundance, and joy into their
life, please call in the energy of the element of water, the power of this
beautiful waterfall, and allow the water to flush through your physical body,
through your mental mind, through your emotional body, and to heal you. To
begin to heal these imprints that no longer serve you. To heal the energy that
serves only that which is for your highest good. Calling in the sacred balance
and the sacred light of the element of water, as this energy is of great
significance. This particular waterfall holds the beautiful vibrational
frequency of balance. The land of Ireland is a land of freedom, it is a land of
sacred balance, it is a land that honors all of life, and the magic of life.
And so, as you know, the luck of the Irish, allow this beautiful blessing to
come to you, of this element of water. And to feel the joy today as you enter
into this frequency, and you hold your head high, and you say I am renewed
again, I am restored again, I am rejuvenated again, I am healthy, I am strong,
I am vibrant. It does not matter how young or old you are, or what you have
gone through in your soul’s journey, please allow the water to flow through all
the karma, all the pain, all the grief, all the sorrow. And yes, to clear your
ancestral lineage of any patterning that you are holding, energetically and
physically, mentally or emotionally, within your own etheric and physical
blueprint, as if you are now a new template, a new Earth being. That you are
now here in this Divine union with yourself, and you are co-creating the life
of your body. You are co-creating just as you did in your mother’s womb, in the
beautiful water, in the beautiful placenta, in the beautiful sacred womb of
your beautiful mother, you created yourself, your physical body. And so today,
allow the water to come forth as if you are in the sacred womb of the Earth
mother, the Earth goddess, the energy of Mother Terra, Goddess Terra. Allow
Terra to heal you, to cleanse you, to restore you, and to renew you. Letting go
and letting God, letting go and letting God, letting go and letting God.
During our lifetimes 2,000 years ago, Yeshua and I would go into the
Cave of Creation and we would allow ourselves to be rejuvenated, and we would
clear all frequencies from our systems that had remained discordant within our
own physical selves and in our own vibratory frequency. We wished to be as pure
as possible and as clear as we possibly could be. And so, when we needed to be
rejuvenated, we would often go to the place near Mt. Carmel, and sit in the
sacred Cave of Creation for hours upon hours and days upon days, we would allow
this beautiful energy to restore us.
And so I ask you to call in this frequency of this beautiful waterfall
upon this day, calling in the sacred vibration. You do not have to sit for
hours or for days or for weeks, you may allow the water to wash you anew. Be
free, be free, be free. Just as the wind. The element of the wind brought forth
the power of change, please allow the water to bring forth the powerful flow,
and allow your heart to open to the energy and the essence of All That Is. The
times, as they say, are changing, Dearest Ones. The winds of change are upon
us. And the flow of life, the energy of grace Elohim, the power of God is with
us. We here on our side in the heavenly realm, and you there on the Earth
plane, we are all shifting our consciousness, as we are all elevating into this
new Earth paradigm. Yes, we here, even myself, Mary Magdalene, I am shifting my
vibration and my frequency just as you are shifting your frequency as well.
This may be hard to understand or comprehend, but know that we are all
ascending and growing closer and closer to the energy of Oneness, to the energy
of All That Is.
And so, as you enjoy your physical life upon this Earth, may you move
forward with grace and ease. May you flow like the wind. May you allow the
water to flow with grace through your life. May all that you need, all that you
desire, come to you as if it is coming to you easily and effortlessly, just
like the water, moving through the obstacles of the stone that are here in the
creek, the water moving gently and yet powerfully, with no restrictions.
Allowing the energy to move through your life without challenges, without
obligations, without struggles, allowing all again that you worry about and
that you hold within your system that troubles you to be washed away by the
water, to be healed by the water, to be purified by the water. And allow the
wind to carry you forward, allow the water to bring you peace, to be still and
tranquil, just as you have co-created yourself in your mother’s womb, today you
are in the womb of Earth mother, the goddess mother energy of Mother Terra, and
she truly, truly, truly is holding the space of love for you, so that you may
shift your vibration and allow peace to enter into your heart.
These are powerful times, these are sacred times. Truly, Dearest Ones,
the winds of change are here in this year of 2018. So much change will come
forth in your individual and collective lives, that you will wonder how did I
live any other way than in Divine love? How did I live any other way than in
Divine grace and flow? How did I live any other way than in Divine grace and
flow? How did I live any other way except living in Divine flow and grace,
allowing Divine order to move and shift through your life as the winds of
change come forward, you can now allow divine flow to settle into your heart
and calm your worries, to calm your fears, and allow yourself to live in the
present moment, feeling the magic of all the gifts of the angels, the
archangels, the Great Creator, all the Gods and Goddesses, and all the beings
of light are gifting you, and the Earth mother herself, as you feel the
frequency enter into your being, please hold your intention now as the sacred
light being that you are, remember your physical body is now filled and renewed
and restored with this vibrancy and energy of this powerful water, as if there
is a new vibrational frequency inside of you, as if the water that is in your
physical body is now recharged, you will physically feel healthier and stronger
and more vibrant and at peace. And so allow this now to enter into your soul,
for it is the soul’s journey, it is the way of the soul, allowing your
beautiful spirit to shine, and to allow the energy of grace to flow through
your life.
Go now in peace, my Dearest Children, be still, be still, be still, and
know that you are flow, you are in Divine flow, in alignment with the energy of
the Great One, and so it is.