How do you pray?
Do you ask, beg or plead to God? Do you list all the things
you are grateful for? What if you were in a state of amazement? Or consider a
Today I encourage you to be in awe more often, you may be
surprised what you find and how you feel. Why not create something like this?:
WOW! It is amazing how the geese fly in a V formation; they
take turns leading the flock!
WOW! The waves in the Gulf of Mexico remind me that blessings
are always flowing to me!
WOW! So much delicious food to enjoy!
WOW! I am so blessed to have so many amazing people to
collaborate with!
WOW! What a wonderful husband I have – he allows me to be
WOW! My grandson reminds me to live in the moment each and every
WOW! Thank you - my home is a magical place!
WOW! LinktoEXPERT Experts change the way people, live, work and
play worldwide!
WOW! We are grateful for our media affiliates that amplify
our messages!
WOW! We appreciate our vendor’s exclusive offers that make
our lives easier!
WOW! Executives and Business Owners utilize our Expert’s
free resources and/or hire our Experts to implement their ideas fast!
WOW! Our LinktoEXPERT Web Portal’s technology allows experts
to reach tens of thousands of people by investing only a few minutes of their
WOW! Our Virtual Staff is in sync with our vision and roll
out the details with grace!
WOW! Our database is a Goldmine!
WOW! My heart is overflowing with Love and Respect for Life!
WOW! The 50 trillion cells in our bodies are a community
with full employment, universal healthcare, there is no cell is left behind and
they all cooperate with our organs!
WOW! Life is grand! I experience peace that passes
understanding the majority of the time!
WOW! I am so blessed to know we are limitless beings!
WOW! We are here to experience and expand and enjoy every
WOW! We have the most beautiful sunsets!
What are you in awe of? Please take a moment and tell me or