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5 days to create High Vibe & Profitable Partnerships - will you join me?

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Come play with us Jan. 24th - 29th! Learn how to build your list and skyrocket revenues through strategic aligned collaborations and partnerships that feed your soul and your business.

Like many spiritual leaders and conscious business women, we have outgrown the more masculine 'bro marketing tactics and are stepping into a new way of doing business. Through true connection and heart-centered collaboration, we can show you how to propel your business forward in far less time than it would take to go it alone.

The way we like to collaborate feels good to your soul and still positively impacts your revenues.

And we're inviting you to join our supportive community of women helping women!

In the past, you might have hosted a salesy launch in order to grow your business. You would invite as many affiliates as possible to promote, then make it a competition with leaderboards and prizes.

We know from experience how stressful launches can be. You and your team can suffer from adrenal fatigue and burnout to put it all together.

While it’s been an effective model for many years, we have heard from a large number of amazing leaders who aren’t attracted to doing business this way anymore.

So we want to show you how you can collaborate and create real and lasting partnerships where both sides really care about each other and want to help each other rise.

And we want to move away to a model that allows you to take better care of yourself and generate a more consistent stream of revenue.

We believe in empowerment marketing and attracting the right clients, subscribers, and partners through high vibe energy.

We want to show you a way to do joint ventures and affiliate partnerships that feels more aligned and fits with your belief and philosophy.

Get a VIP Experience with us on Jan. 24 - 29th at

5 Days to Create High-Vibe & Profitable Partnerships!

Tammy Lawman and Brooke Emery

Co-Founders at Link Lab LLC

About Us

Tammy Lawman and Brooke Emery are the Founders of Link Lab LLC, where their motto is “Do Good and Have Fun!”

They shine a light on mission-driven conscious women and their offers to drive revenues and create mega impact in the world. They do this through joint ventures, affiliate programs, funnel creation, social media and email marketing, interviews, and other visibility and PR opportunities.

Since 2009, they have contributed to over $20 million in revenues and 1.5 million in email subscribers for clients.

They have had the pleasure of collaborating and playing with these inspiring and amazing people.

  • Louie Schwartzberg and Fantastic Fungi Global Summit
  • Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman and Your Year of Miracles
  • Dr. Sue Morter and The Energy Codes
  • Dr. Margaret Paul and Inner Bonding
  • Janet Attwood and The Passion Test
  • Dr. Michael Beckwith and Agape International Spiritual Center
  • Eram Saeed and The Life Transformation Summit
  • Jana Danielson and Metta Impact Experience and Cooch Ball

Marni Battista and Dating With Dignity, Liz Dawn and Celebrate Your Life, Evolving Wisdom LLC, Jennifer Longmore, Aimee Raupp, Morry Zelcovitch, Lisa Wilson, Sheri Salata & Nancy Hala, Marci Shimoff & Debra Poneman at Your Year of Miracles, Michael Port, Rha Goddess, Esther Blum, David Neagle, Ric & Liz Thompson at Healthy Wealthy nWise, Ann Taylor at Inner Healing Inc., Dr. Alex Loyd at The Healing Codes and The Success Codes, Harrison Klein, BraveHeart Women, and more ... 

They are also the Co-Creators of the Self Love & Self Care Symposium, where they bring you the best resources to help you love and appreciate yourself more fully and to take better care of yourself so you can feel more energized, happier and at peace as you go about your day.

Copyright 2022 by Link Lab LLC

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