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5 Keys to Managing a Big List on Twitter

Last time we talked about some of the advantages of attracting a big following on Twitter.  And, you’re probably thinking Twitter is already moving so fast, so how will I be able to keep up with even more people in my stream?

I am glad you asked!

Let’s focus on some simple Keys to manage your growing list on Twitter. 

Key 1 Create a List

Creating a list of people grouped by niche, interest, events is the best way to keep track of topics and conversations you’d love to keep on top of.  Once your list is created and filled, you can simply click on the list and browse through the tweets and RT, or comment with greater ease.

* Bonus* How to Create a List of Instructions

On your ‘Me’ tab on Twitter, on the ‘Top Left’, you’ll find the ‘List’ tab.  Click ‘List’, Click ‘Create List’< ‘Name the List’ with description and set to private or public.   

To add or delete people from your list –
Go to their Twitter page, click the white box next to the ‘Follow’ button – Choose ‘Add’ or ‘Remove’ from ‘List’.  Your list of ‘Lists’ will appear, and check the box to the list you’d like to add them to

Key 2 Use Hootsuite  or Tweetdeck to Easily View Your Lists

I love that I can import all my lists into my Hootsuite control board.  To add a stream, click ‘List’ and choose one list at a time to bring into your page.  I’ve set up separate tabs on Hootsuite for my lists, and #hashtags I am following.  In a few clicks I open each tab, and scan the lists to engage and RT with those specific people in each segmented list.

These first two Keys alone will save hours a week you’d spend scanning your ‘All Friends’ or ‘Home’ feeds for the messages that resonate with you and that you’d like to RT.

Key 3 Engage & Build Connects 

Show appreciation to your audience with RTs and Thank you’s.  Maintaining a connection is vital to encouraging new followers to stay, and prospective followers are watching your engagement with your audience to be sure that they’ll be welcomed and noticed.

Engagement above all else is the most important aspect in creating and maintaining your audience on Twitter and everywhere else.  Be sure to check in several times a day to scan your mentions & DMs to reply in a timely manner to anyone reaching out to you.

Key 4 Create a Memory Jogging File

Keep a notebook or log of the conversations you’ve had with people – not everything on Twitter happens at Warp Speed.  Many of my chats with people have expanded to several weeks or longer.  Make a quick note, or cut and paste your Twitter conversation into a Word document to refresh your memory when the chat picks up again.

Key 5  Focus on People Wanting to Talk with You

Realize that as your list continues to grow that you will not be able to know about everything, everyone else is talking about.  Think about when you went to a large networking event, did you try to keep track of every conversation going on in the room?  There are countless conversations going on at the same time, same is true in your Twitterverse.  Of the large number of followers you will attract only a small percentage of those will be reaching out or engaging with you – focus on connecting with those people already showing some interest in you, always remembering that everyone we meet is the Gatekeeper for everyone they know.

One of the truths about Twitter is that there are thousands of accounts being created every minute and conversely thousands of accounts being abandoned every minute, because people don’t know what to do or how to manage their stream.  They become overwhelmed and never come back.  Be sure to check out Master the Twitterverse, pg 22 for ideas on how to flush out those inactive accounts.

Next post – we will explore some of the ways you can find the conversations you’d like to have and attract followers organically.

Happy Tweeting!

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