Recently I
learned about a new Twitter account management system Manage Flitter
It is very easy
to use to flush out accounts that are not following you back, those with no
profile photo, and accounts that have not posted in the past 30 days.
There are a couple of other filter options based on volume of tweets per day,
but that is set at such an low number of tweets (between 1 & 5) that I
would never use that feature. I have found the quick edit option a
tremendous time saver, by simply dragging your mouse across the template you
will be able to Unfollow 100 accounts at a time. There is a white list
option in the works, so you will have to take care in making sure some of the
celebrity accounts you want to follow, but are not following you back may be
deleted. One method to make sure you do not lose those connections is to
put those accounts on a list. You can list accounts without
following. Be aware that Twitter Follow & UnFollow limits still apply
– 1000 of each per 24 hours. Don’t land up in Twitter jail with over
aggressive Following and Unfollowing.
To learn more Twitter Tips, click here to receive FREE, the eBook: 'Master the Twitterverse –
Guide to Getting More Followers'.