Poop and Inspiration… What…?
How Can Poop Relate
to Inspiration?
GUEST BLOG by Robert Frank
and Inspiration – Seriously… What does one have to do with the other? Now
that’s a good question!
actually glad you asked!
I just received a comment on one of my blog posts that you can see here and the
comment was so inspiring, that I just felt compelled to share it!
have just met Gary and have found him to be an inspiration! Gary is a Life,
Business and Social Media Coach and has dedicated the last 25 years to personal
development! I recommend checking out his blog and while you’re there, be sure
to catch some of his radio interviews!
here’s the Poop and Inspiration Quote:

hope this has been as inspiring for you as it has been for me. If you got value
from this post, please leave a comment below, share some of your poop and
inspiration stories!
the original post.