Gary Loper ~ Motivational Speaker
Hear Gary’s Thoughts On Social Media . . .
With today’s technological advances, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. The bridge between communication and relationships has become a universal link, connecting us through the world of Social Media. Social Media connects us to people across town, to other cities, countries, continents. It is much more than a marketing tool, it is all about engagement, reaching our audience with a specific message. It spans across all socioeconomic and religious upbringings, ages and gender, professional and non-professional backgrounds; it reaches both personal and business levels. Motivational and spiritual leaders, and entrepreneurs are actively using Twitter as a format to reach as many people as possible, and you can too! Believe it or not, 280-character tweet can be powerfully creative and influential.

Learn from Gary how-to-build your confidence
and ease in ‘Twitterverse’.
There are many strategies and tactics to becoming successful. It is more than knowledge; it is learning how to engage, target your audience and attract potential customers to your offerings. Gary’s specific guidelines dramatically will drive customers to your website and shift your business to a level of success.
Bring Gary to your conference, speaking engagements, organizations, networking or meet up groups, chambers, or invite him to speak on your BLOG Talk Radio. Schedule Gary to speak at your next event.
Or, call 727.374.7652. Listen to Gary.
Gary is a World Leader on Twitter based on his ability to deliver results. Gary provides outstanding value, receive extraordinary results.
Hire Gary To Speak About These Topics:
- Making an Impact One Tweet at a Time: Known as a Twitter expert, Gary Loper uses his passion for social media to make a difference 140 characters at a time. He shares powerful ways he has used social media and particularly Twitter to share motivational messages, spread his mission, as well as building better relationships and connections.
- Mastering Your Twitterverse: Get More Followers by ‘Building Better Relationships’; build your community network, leverage social media and learn social media etiquette.
- Understanding the Laws to Stratospheric Success: Learn the 5 laws ~ The Law of: Value, Compensation, Influence, Authenticity, Receptivity ~ a way to share the ideals of GIVING to create better relationships and businesses.
- How to Build a Network of Endless Referrals: Learn how to dramatically increase your referral business without spending more time or money, a proven way to quickly and dramatically increase sales in any type of business.
- Prosperity / Abundance Mindset: Learn how to change your thinking to a place of positivity; discover how to attract and manifest true wealth.
- Just For Today Affirmations: Embrace transforming messages, master your mind and develop internal strength and a solid foundation to build a new future.
- Quieting the Negative Voices: Learn how to tame that negative voice or gremlin, the narrator in your head influencing you since you came into this world and accompanies you throughout your entire existence.
- YES! Energy: Learn how to replace the ‘no-energy’ many of us have been programmed with, and how to tap into a positive, productive energy that can propel us to an even better life!