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Wealth Starts In Your Mind!

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Your brain is like a computer and your beliefs are the software that determine your actions.

Most people are unaware of the self-sabotaging ideas that are programmed in their subconscious.

Many say they want to “make more money,” but their subconscious programming is sabotaging their efforts. So, they’re holding themselves back from their own success!

My Sirius XM guests this week are global prosperity expert and star of the hit movie “The Secret,” Dr. Joe Vitale, and Tim Shurr, the leadership speaker and hypnosis expert who has helped thousands of people transform their lives and their finances.

Here are a few of the insightful tips they shared during my interview with them:

  • Your internal programming can be changed and therefore, will help you get a new view of the world and of your prosperity possibilities.

  • Many people were taught throughout their lives that “money is the root of evil,” yet, Scripture actually says, “the love of money is the root of evil.”

  • Money, like an ink pen, is a tool to be used for good or evil. The ink pen can be used to stab someone or to write a check to help others.

  • Money is a tool that was designed to do good.

  • Money is also a spiritual tool for doing good...if you choose to use it as such.

  • There are many beliefs about money–but money has absolutely no beliefs about you.

  • What you focus on longest becomes strongest.

  • To overcome poverty thinking, you must: 1) Make peace with money. Befriend it. 2) Befriend yourself. Affirm to yourself that you are worthy of good things. 3) Give money to help others! Be mindful that if you have a closed hand, you’re unable to give; likewise, a closed hand cannot receive!

vital and shurr book

To order a copy of Dr. Joe Vitale's book, One Belief Away!: How To Upgrade Your Unconscious Mind For Prosperity & Inner Peace, please click here.

This powerful Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Show interview on Sirius XM Radio airs this Saturday at 4pm ET, next Tuesday and next Thursday at 6pm ET on channel 141-HUR Voices.

It will be available the following week on The Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Podcast on iHeart Radio, C Suite Radio, Spotify, TuneIn, Stitcher and Apple Podcasts. Listen and be inspired!

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Wealth Starts In Your Mind!

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Are You Ready For A Comeback?
Get Dr. Jolley’s New Streamed Comeback Message
At A Great Price...NOW!

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Dr. Willie Jolley is the expert who helped Ford Motors go from the brink of bankruptcy to billion dollar profits.

Willie has recorded a short video message–especially for you–to give you options on how to turn your business setbacks into great comebacks.

If you would like to book a call to discuss Willie speaking for your organization, please click the button below to schedule a call with our team.

Watch The Latest Episode Of
"Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last!
The Broadcast"

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Has Your Marriage Sprung A Leak?

Spring has sprung. We’ve even moved the clock forward by an hour. With more daylight, the sun shines on our relationships.

We may discover we have some leaks–or this may be a symptom of a major “plumbing” relationship problem.

In this episode of "Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last! The Broadcast," Dr. Willie and Dee Jolley tackle these uncomfortable couples conversations and what to do to repair our relationship pipes. #JolleyMarriage

Watch this and past episodes and SUBSCRIBE to their YouTube channel here.

Develop An Attitude of Excellence!

(Like this customer shared from her home office!)

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An Attitude Of Excellence
(Autographed Hardcover Book)

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Learn the secrets that all successful organizations are using to solidify their five star position in the marketplace!

This is a revolutionary book concept: two books in one! A success system for outstanding organizational development; and a powerful system for personal development and performance improvement!

Get your people to:

  • Wake Up
  • Show Up
  • Stand Up
  • Step Up
  • Think Up…to Do More, Be More and Achieve More!

Order your copy of Dr. Willie Jolley's An Attitude Of Excellence book today.

Is The Daily Bad News Bringing You Down?
If So, You Need Some Powerful Good News!

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Dr. Willie Jolley on the Get Up Mornings with
Erica Campbell Show

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Here is where you can catch “Wake Up & Win with Dr. Willie Jolley.”

Monday - Friday at 8:20 a.m. ET / 7:20 a.m. CT

To listen to the show, you can:

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