How to Fine Tune Communications for Business Growth
Reckoning with what AI may do for business, it’s critical we pay attention, or we will be left far behind and referred to as ‘ancient relics.’ We each have different criteria for moving forward and must weigh the pros and cons of all current possibilities to determining what will work best for each of us.
The crucial factor is scrutinizing all possibilities while not partaking in something that isn’t 100% secure. Maintaining integrity and developing trust among all those we encounter is critical for ongoing business growth and success.
Our style, inherent talent, interests, and the challenges we are each willing to face contribute to our outcome. It’s critical to realize that we are each unique individuals, prospects included, with varying thinking and abilities. It is vital not to ‘tell-sell’ but to respectfully engage in conversation so prospects can and will direct us to the better path for successful sales.

Photo by Image TungArt7, Pixabay
The ‘Do-Over’
Everyone is busy and focused on completing tasks, which creates a two-edged sword. On the one hand, many believe that for this reason alone, it’s best to dive into what is on the table for a sales discussion, and not to waste time. However, no one wants to be pressured into purchasing. Should this be the style you were taught, now is the time to consider a ‘do-over’ strategy.
1. Imagine yourself as the prospect and how you might feel if someone tried to pressure you into buying something of questionable value. What would you do?
2. Imagine a professionally personal representative asking questions to understand why you agreed to meet and what is on your mind. Do you think the conversation might go a bit more smoothly?
Upfront Bonus Steps
Challenge yourself to do the opposite of your typical sales personality. Experiment upfront by asking questions, carefully listening to the answers, asking more questions for clarification, and then realizing the best path for speaking to the client. But when it is your turn to speak, consider beginning with a question such as, ‘Have you ever considered?’ and then digging deep into the conversation with questions such as, ‘Why?’ to gain a more comprehensive understanding.
Trust and Integrity
The usage of AI makes the topic of trust and integrity more important than ever. It’s critical to consider suggestions, but ensure you deliver messaging authentically. Developing trust with prospective clientele and demonstrating integrity by admitting upfront what you can and cannot do contributes heavily to current and future sales. Often, prospects will test the sales rep with varying requests; some are reasonable while others are not.
The better approach is to admit upfront what you cannot do for them but offer a timeline for delivery on what you may provide them. Prompt follow-up is a large piece of the ‘trust and integrity’ equation. Your words matter as people remember the date and time of your promises; so don’t make them unless you are willing to do precisely as you state upfront.
Value is not just the dollar price; it’s wrapped up in a bundle to include many elements. Heavily discounting a product or service only demonstrates desperation to make the sale.
First, the question becomes, ‘Do I want to work with you?’ If you pass the test, the next concern is the value the prospective client detects.
- Will the product or service provide the benefits you state?
- Will the purchase fit well with all else the client has in place?
- Will you be available if something does not perform as it should, upfront and over time?
Corporate pricing does not need to work like retail pricing, which involves cutting prices to advertise. For corporate sales, maintaining the listed price while adhering to all promises, plus prompt follow-up for check-ins, will help provide the most value to clientele.
The upfront bonus steps transform into developing a human-to-human conversation and eventually a professional relationship. Why does this occur, you may wonder? Prospects are amazed that you want to know their thoughts and are willing to dig deep for a deeper understanding. This leads to two essential elements: credibility and trust. Accordingly, the relationship will build appropriately and solidly to earn a new client.
Summary: Prospects Can Direct Us to A Better Path for Sales
Making clients feel they matter is critical for becoming the company and representative of choice. As trust and confidence build among you, prospects will often map out the best road for you to take to earn the sale. In the end, the instructions from the prospective client matter the most; adhering to them often lands salespeople a more significant percentage of the clientele they approach.
Communicate to Attract Interest
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Be A Story-Teller
“Believe, Become, Empower”
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Sales Tips: Prospects Can Direct Us to A Better Path for Sales
1. Commit to your long-term vision for the company and your team.
2. Embrace your experience and lessons learned to share with staff and anyone who asks for insights.
3. Take classes to stay informed about business changes, and if you have staff, commit to training them as well.
4. Keep an eye on thought leaders in your field for new ideas on how you might proceed moving forward.
5. Never underestimate the novel ideas of anyone.
6. Listen carefully to advice and the previous experiences of others to determine what may work best for you.
7. Walk away from those who insult you; create a collaborative environment with staff and those you encounter.
8. At the end of all communications, ask the other party or people if they have questions to ensure clarification.
9. ‘Don’t give up – find a better way!’
10. Celebrate Success!
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!