Bullying and degradation experiences may haunt many of us to begin questioning our existence. Those with a strong desire to move past frequently contemplate the meaning of life and what we may bring forward ‘one day.’
For example, clouds can represent sunshine, storms, or barriers vs. possibilities in real life. Our life story is about how we handle our unique clouds. To ultimately find pride in our accomplishments, we must unite for what is right and be fearless enough to remove barriers. The ultimate gift in experiencing the worst is to recognize the essential lessons and share them with whoever will listen to empower them to do better in community service.
Rosie Ward, PhD., Podcast Host, and team ~ Lisa Rosemeyer and Stephanie Hicks of the PEOPLE FORWARD NETWORK provide the opportunity to share my insights on how I was able to address bullies and move past their nonsense. They also offer the following insights accompanying the conversation Dr. Ward and I enjoyed.
Breaking Barriers and Defying Stereotypes with Elinor Stutz

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Should you have limited time to listen to the full episode, the following show notes may influence you to break the podcast into time components:
Should you have limited time to listen to the full episode, the following show notes may influence you to break the podcast into time components:
Key takeaways from this episode:
· Leaders show care and support in different ways.
· Positive and negative experiences shape our beliefs and behaviors.
· Stick to values and priorities, and don’t be swayed by anyone or any circumstance.
The conversation progresses with examples of how life interrupts our progress by hurling challenging events at individuals. Our bottom-line question is, are we daring enough and willing to do ‘what it takes’ to surpass the previously unimaginable incidents to grow into the type of leader we wish to exemplify? The differentiator is the willingness to find the courage to step up and surpass the nastiness surrounding us. I agree 100% with Walt Disney’s original statement that ‘Dreams do come true!’
However, finding people and organizations with similar values and priorities is the secret to success. Why? The collaborative effort of a community spirit becomes exponential with possibilities and enables us to accomplish far more than we initially envisioned. Moreover, it’s best to work with those who will challenge our initial ideas using motivation and inspiration to expand upon them. Doing so is how the previously unimaginable begins to emerge.
Listen to my conversation with Dr. Rosie Ward to realize how the worst can ultimately present the best occurrences in our lives. Our mindset is powerful, especially when working for the greater good.
The essence of influence, achieving goals, and ultimately appearing as a leader in your field is to step up to what is right, just, and fair. The question is, are you willing to do so to remove barriers? Understand it can take many years to see any sign of progress, and sometimes it feels like we are on a slippery downhill slope. But by sticking to principles and values, we ultimately meet individuals who think similarly and who willingly combine efforts to move progress forward.
One step at a time will help you strengthen your determination and become fearless enough to remove barriers.
For More Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

Sales Tips:
1. Confirm your personal and career goals to eliminate extra detours.
2. Never depend on others to advance your achievements; responsibility is yours.
3. Prioritize your frustrations in terms of needing to resolve them.
4. Check whether your irritations have a common origin and cause.
5. Should commonalities exist among issues, prioritize the steps to take.
6. Set a far-reaching goal achievement that will satisfy your life’s work.
7. Be willing to alter the plans set as technology and society change.
8. Recall your starting point to feel strength and resolve to continue forward.
9. Recognize yourself as the leader of your life for barriers to no longer interfere with your goals.
10. Celebrate Success!