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Twitter is a Virtual Town Square

01 Mar 2015 | Posted Under Twitter

Twitter is a Virtual Town Square

The major advantage of Twitter is that it is wide open. People will see your posts, and the whole world can discover you. You can find almost anyone on Twitter. It is the only platform that I know that is searchable. You can do an internet search, and if you use target key words, those tweets will start showing up in internet searches. You can follow anybody, anyone in the world. I have had conversations with Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsh, Richard Bach, and T. Harv Eker. They all have responded to me in some manner.

It is amazing the accessibility of people on Twitter. It is far more accessible than any place else. The conversations are more open. And, it is 24/7. You don’t have to worry about vetting somebody else. With Facebook, less than 2% of the people you have attracted will ask that you friend them on FB, or like their business page. Now Facebook has set up limits that you are only allowed to reach 2% of your following with your posts, because they are now looking for you to buy advertisements to reach your lists. Twitter is so wide open. You can have public tweets. If you focus your tweets on key words, on how you want to be found, you will be found by people all around the world. You can grow your business, grow your community, get traffic 24/7, and create a Twitter presence by putting out 20 – 30 tweets out a day. Twitter has become that virtual town square where there are really no limits of what one can share with all the Tweople.

The most important aspect is to pay attention to your profile and banner. Most people have an incomplete profile and banner. When people click on your Twitter page, you have 4 – 10 seconds, maybe less to create an impression. Twitter gives everyone a billboard where you can create your signature – your profile, your photo and your links, as well as demonstrate how you can solve people’s problems. Connect with people with your photo. Let your smile be your logo. You can put your logo up in your banner. Unfortunately, so many people are missing that opportunity.

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression”. ~ Hannah Tatum Whitall Smith

1st impressions are branding opportunities!

I use my banner as a billboard with URLs of my eBooks, ways to connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media platforms, as well as my bio. It is basically a description of what I have worked on and where my expertise lies. Your eyes go to the center, where it draws your attention. So many people have such talents, so many gifts, such great things to share, to help people, but they are not utilizing the tools that are available.

What is the best way to engage on Twitter?

Some people insist on promotion, promotion, promotion. I fired a client simply because they used that strategy. They are going 100% with promotional tweets. Focus on the needs of others by serving them, with at least 80% of your tweets enhancing somebody’s life. Make their life better, educate them, entertain them, and create engagement. When you do that you are building that trust and rapport. People are more apt to click on your stuff when you enhance people’s lives. But, if you are just using it as a selling platform, they are going to click away. They will unfollow you, and you will lose that communication.

Remember the secret is engagement. Create relevant, unique content, and share positive, uplifting messages. Be sure to interact and respond to everyone. Foremost, listen and focus on their passions, and ask questions. Importantly, be transparent, and tweet and retweet often. Show gratitude for their presence, contributions and referrals.

As each day comes to us refreshed and anew, so does my gratitude renew itself daily. The breaking of the sun over the horizon is my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world. ~Terri Guillemets

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