If you are reading this article, it indicates you want to improve communications by omitting one error. The good news is you are already on the road to accomplishing your goal. How is that possible, you wonder? The question in your mind is the precursor to fixing the one error!
We read articles or research because we are curious and want to learn more. Similarly, in conversation, the same strategy works best for sales and growing the business further. In other words, correcting the error requires that we,
‘Ask, don’t assume!’
Questions filled with enthusiastic curiosity are what sells the best. On the one hand, it flatters the other person or people in the meeting. On the other hand, the answers are usually accurate and truthful, and they lead you on the direct path to the desired outcome.
The better sales approach is to:
- Admit what you don’t know
- Ask for clarity
- Inquiries about the other person’s experiences kindly flatter the person as they reflect upon how they attained their status today.
- Recap the conversation and then ask for the next steps
- Provide assurances you will explore all options for a better solution for your prospective client.
If you are reading this article, it indicates you want to improve communications by omitting one error. The good news is you are already on the road to accomplishing your goal. How is that possible, you wonder? The question in your mind is the precursor to fixing the one error!
We read articles or research because we are curious and want to learn more. Similarly, in conversation, the same strategy works best for sales and growing the business further. In other words, correcting the error requires that we,
Memorizing a script has little value. People want to know you, like you and trust you. The unspoken selling strategy is to build credibility upfront. Story-sharing reveals who you are and serves to help make the credit rating you seek. The underlying secret to sales success is to share relevant experiences in story format. Doing so allows others to connect with you with heart and mind and will then influence the sale in your favor. Should you be shy about doing so, take a public speaking class to build confidence. The speaking course will help enormously!
But it is essential to remember that selling is not about talking relentlessly about yourself or what you have to offer. Instead:
- Step one is about coming to an understanding of the people and the businesses upfront that you encounter.
- Step two is to connect the dots easily between the other party and you.
- Step three is the time to ask another question about the other person’s interest in learning more.
- Step four is the preliminary ‘close’ concerning whether they hold interest in moving forward.
- Finally, step five is the moment you secure the sale.
Putting the other person first and striving to learn more about them and their business encourages deeper conversations. Usually, new ideas and enthusiasm for working together will develop for all parties.
In Conclusion: Selling is a collaborative effort where the main goal is for everyone to feel they achieved a ‘win’ and walk away satisfied. The definition of the Smooth Sale is to earn a returning and referring clientele. The next phase of business is to continue developing the relationship so that you become the ‘go-to source’ for renewals and additional sales.
For story examples read Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results: https://amzn.to/39QiVZw

As the CEO of Smooth Sale, after her near-death experience, Stutz adapted the motto, “Believe, Become, Empower.”Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Selling Book and Evergreen – among the classics!