Your business involves helping
others, and you are at the forefront of making things happen for the greater
good. Imagine how great it would feel to share your wisdom, inspire more people,
and make a difference in the world.
The Davis Creative Publishing theme for 2023 is GROWING YOUR
BUSINESS BY THE BOOK. And we are really taking it home as we move into the final
months of this — our 20th year in business.
Successful authors know there’s
so much more to getting recognized than merely listing your book on Amazon. You
must be willing to
- STAND OUT and be more
- STEP OUT of your comfort zone,
- SPEAK OUT and share
your message.
This is where we come into play.
We help you navigate the publishing world, and your dream of
authorship becomes a reality. And it doesn’t stop there. Join us for our
Inspiring Author Conversations, a recorded, live-audience interview that gets
released as a podcast on YouTube. We invite guests who support the book
marketing efforts of authors or who may be an author themselves. As an audience
member, you can bring your questions and get answers!
You’re invited to join us on Thursday, October 26th, when we will chat with
Kevin Desrosiers, a successful author and professional speaker who will share
with us the pros and cons of using AI for authorship. These interviews are held
via Zoom, and you must pre-register to receive the link to access. Even if you
can’t make it, you’ll want to register to receive the link to the
Remember, your creativity knows
no bounds. At Davis Creative Publishing, we do all the work, and you get all the
Best regards,
Cathy Davis, CEO
Davis Creative Publishing
PS: Find your voice, share your
wisdom, and make a difference. Start with one click.