“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”
~ Jimmy Dean
If you’ve felt daunted, depressed or even disgusted by polarizing people, toxic chants and negative news, you’re not alone.
These days, much of society is getting
caught up in the churning muck of the collective, yet fractured, human
psyche. This social turmoil, borne and stoked by deep-seated fears,
drains our energy, stifles our creativity and dims everyone’s hope for
the future.
There is another way. Rather than
surrendering to prevailing, negative energies, we can choose to step
away. Taking a moment to breathe in fresh air, we can remove our
attention from chaos and discontent. And we can renew ourselves from
By reclaiming just a moment of
personal space, we can rediscover inner sunshine and reignite our
souls. We can inspire ourselves.
Having to exercise this process
throughout most of my life, and through several time periods of
emotional stress, I offer you this brief podcast today.
Click here to listen to Living With Inspiration.
May you catch the spirit of your own inspiration and discover how to change your world from the inside out.

Maura is an International Speaker on Self Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
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