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Why is it important for business owners and entrepreneurs to hire experts? The main reason most millionaires leverage other’s education, experience and expertise is to be first to market with a new or improved product or service.


Yes, I agree, it seems like more and more self-proclaimed experts are popping up every day on the web.  What should you be looking for in an expert? Here are some “dos and “don’ts” when hiring one:



·        Review their history

o   Testimonials from previous clients

o   Client list – what industry – could they do something similar in your industry? Many people only look for people in their industry which leads to doing what everyone else in your industry is doing – consider someone who worked in a different industry with techniques your industry hasn’t tried

o   Education – do they stay current in their area of expertise?

o   Organizations they belong to and their roles in those organizations – do they take leadership roles or admin roles? How involved are they? Are they over extended?

o   Articles they wrote

o   Listen to their Podcasts

o   Watch their videos

o   Read /listen to books they wrote

o   Their frequently asked questions

o   Photo gallery – who do they know?

·        Attend  their events

o   Webinars

o   Teleseminars

o   Live events

o   Online group coaching sessions

o   Do they collaborate with other experts - create solutions

·        Interact with the expert before hiring them

o   Engage with them via their blogs

o   Converse on an online forum

o   Phone conversation

o   Skype video call

o   Face to face interview

·        Check their references

·        Interview candidate – explain what you want to accomplish, give a dead line and ask them to explain to you what they understand your needs to be

·        Create a letter of intent or ask for a written proposal

·        Payments in increments – when accomplish milestones

·        Engage and review regularly – 30 days, 90 days, etc. depending on project


·        hire your brother in law

·        many people tell others their idea and they say great – I’ll help you – well if you both don’t have any experience it will take a long time to implement

·        get discouraged

·        when you tell others your ideas many small thinkers will laugh at you and tell you that you are crazy – many people give up before they get started

·        Every give up – remember it’s not how many ideas you start to implement – it is how many you finish that count!


Join Joanne Weiland and Sam Richards from LinktoEXPERT on EFactor’s Free Webinar August 8th at 10 am PST, 1 pm EST. They will give you tools to implement your ideas fast!


You will learn how to:

-Save time

-Make more money

-Elevate your reputation


Register asap, there is limited space:

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