Patricia Russell McCloud is considered the “oratorical queen” by the Godfather of professional speaking—Les Brown. She has been respectfully dubbed “The Alphabet Lady” for her rousing motivational messages that give attitude a major adjustment!
She was called the “Little Girl Wonder with Words” as she shared her oratorical skills in churches around Indianapolis.
Patricia became an attorney and gave speeches on the side. Her part-time speaking became so popular that she ended her position as a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) lawyer and built a full-time speaking and publishing empire.
Each year, she speaks to more than 100,000 people in audiences across the nation in a broad spectrum of arenas.
In this interview for my SiriusXM radio show, Patricia Russell McCloud shares secrets to help you build and excel at your business—whether you speak, teach, write, cook or any other entrepreneurial enterprise:
- To win in business, you must never abdicate your responsibility. It is up to you to do all you can do…and to do it each and every day!
- In order to excel, you must wake up—then get up so you can go up and make hay. Entrepreneurs must make hay because no one is going to do it for you but you!
- In life, you only go around once. Make it count. The time to act is now. There is no practice run!
- Decide to be the best you can be at who you are and what you do! Make a commitment to excellence!
- No one who wins does so without a serious work ethic!
- There are no excuses in the pursuit of excellence. Go after it. Be determined to achieve it—no excuses whatsoever!
- Have a serous business ethic about your business. There is no silly business and foolish business in real business.
- Success is about A, B, C, D, E, which means Attitude, Belief, Commitment, Desire and Excellence!
- Don’t be afraid to allow your gift to make room for you on the world stage. Use what God gifted you—then do the work to be excellent at that gift!
Listen to Patricia Russell McCloud’s “Success From A to Z”