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The Price of A Champion Is Consistency

15 Apr 2022 | Posted Under Success

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Hi Everyone,

Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Carlos Campbell, is an amazing man who has had many incredible careers. And he has been friends with some of the most iconic people who have ever lived.

Born in Harlem, Secretary Campbell grew up in the same neighborhood where W.E.B DuBois and Paul Robeson lived. When his father moved to a new neighborhood, his neighbors were Jackie Robinson, Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald and the list goes on and on.

Secretary Campbell was always a curious person and made a point to learn from every person he encountered. He went on to be an outstanding student at Michigan State University.

He is a former Naval Officer, an executive with Control Data Corporation, and served as an assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Secretary Campbell then went on to become a very successful management consultant. Additionally, he has served on over twenty corporate boards and was a founding director of McLean Savings and Loan.

Secretary Campbell is a wealth creator who learned from his father. He now passes that wisdom on to his grandchildren and to people globally via his books and on his podcast, which can be found at

In this interview for my Sirius XM Wealthy Ways Radio Show, Secretary Carlos Campbell shares a number of powerful insights:

  1. The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.

  2. Participation is not about competition. It is about setting the standard.

  3. Don’t make excuses – make good!

  4. The mark of a champion is consistency.

  5. Passion is the predicate for extraordinary performance.

  6. Learn the miracle of compound interest and use it to your financial advantage.

  7. Don’t pay interest. Pay cash for your cars and invest the money you would have paid in interest.

  8. Commit to excellence and lifelong learning.

  9. Never forget what Nelson Mandela said, "We are here to manifest the glory of God that is within us!"

This powerful Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Show interview on Sirius XM Radio airs this Saturday at 4pm ET, next Tuesday and next Thursday at 6pm ET on channel 141-HUR Voices.

For access to this and more interviews, download The Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Podcast on C-Suite Radio or wherever else you get your podcasts. Listen and be inspired!

The Price of A Champion Is Consistency

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Are You Feeling Down and Want To Feel Up?
Get This Tool Today!

music powerbook

In our current reality, so many people are struggling in their day-to-day existence! Many are depressed and living lives of quiet desperation. They look good on the outside but have issues on the inside.

Some are suffering covid exhaustion; some have the economic blues; some are struggling with the bad news they get daily from radio and television and some are simply tired of the day-to-day issues of their personal or professional activities.

I understand and I want to help!

And I have a solution…something that I personally use to help me feel better!

I highly recommend you listen to my new Motivation & Music PowerBook! It’s a tool that’s therapeutic and regenerative in its impact and will help you feel better.

Many have reached out to me to share how they were dealing with low-grade depression and for some, even more, extreme sad feelings.

I asked them to give this Motivation & Music PowerBook a try. And they all agreed they felt “So Much Better!”

So…if you’d like to feel better, so you can do better, I recommend you get a copy of this PowerBook. Try it for 30 days. Then let me know the impact!

I’m confident it will help you think higher and feel better!

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Watch The Latest Episode Of "Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last! The Broadcast"

sad black couple

How Text-Fighting Can Ruin Your Relationship

We live in a society where smartphones seem to be involved in everything we do.

If you’re guilty of having lengthy conversations via text, you’re not alone. But, one thing you should never do is engage in text arguments.

In this episode of "Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last! The Broadcast," Dr. Willie and Dee Jolley explained how text-fighting can ruin your relationship.

Watch the episode replay and share your comments with them! #JolleyMarriage

Watch this and past episodes and SUBSCRIBE to their YouTube channel here.

Order Dr. Willie and Dee Jolley's Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last! book here.

The Biggest Relationship Mistakes People
Make and How to Fix Them

sad black couple

If you’re serious about making your relationship last for a lifetime by:

  1. Learning to communicate more effectively
  2. Increasing your intimacy
  3. Developing financial literacy

...Join us for the first installment of our 2-hour Relationship Repair Series Zoom workshop.

Registration Fee: $20 (per computer)

If you’re interested, just reply to this email with a quick “Yes, I’m interested!”

Turn Your Setbacks Into Comebacks with
An Attitude Of Excellence!

keynote on demand

This pandemic has created serious challenges for business people and their employees: pain, stress, exhaustion, uncertainty with no end in sight, covid fatigue, low morale and mental health issues.

People are desperate for Hope (uplift) and Help (specific strategies) that will improve their organization's productivity and profits.

We have created a program that not only gives hope, but help, with specific strategies and tools to get through this tough time and to help them turn this time of setbacks into a time of great comebacks!

Plus, we have made it affordable for everyone, including small groups.

Dr. Jolley’s in-person programs are over $20K, and are one-time events. This Keynote On Demand program is $2000 and is available for your team to view for 24 hours.

A Dose of Dee


This Resurrection Sunday, I’m focused on how Jesus was crystal clear on His mission, His purpose, and His why. He was able to deliver that in a single sentence more than two thousand years ago.

“I came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.”

Everything Jesus did - turning water into wine, teaching in the synagogues, challenging the current religious system - was a result of His mission statement. His mission statement covered His entire life – personal and professional.

According to Laurie Beth Jones, author of Jesus, CEO and Jesus in Blue Jeans, “Knowing his mission helped him decide how to act, what to do and even what to say when challenging situations arose.”

I believe knowing our mission, our purpose, and our why, will make it easy for us to make a meaningful difference in this world.

What's your why?

– Dee Taylor-Jolley

Dr. Willie Jolley on the Get Up Mornings with Erica Campbell Show

podcast episode

Here is where you can catch “Wake Up & Win with Dr. Willie Jolley.” Monday - Friday at 8:20 a.m. ET / 7:20 a.m. CT

To listen to the show, you can:

  • Tune into an affiliate station
  • Download the free app – Get Up Mornings
  • Go to to stream

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A Humor Moment

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