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From Rags to Riches

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In honor of Women's History month, I'm re-airing my Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways radio show with Janice Bryant Howroyd – the first African American woman to own a billion-dollar business!

Howroyd is the founder and CEO, of a workforce solutions company, that includes temporary staffing and software development, called The ActOne Group.

Howroyd was one of eight siblings growing up in a small North Carolina textile town. While vacationing in Los Angeles to celebrate graduating from college, she was asked by her brother-in-law to help out in his office while he was on travel. When he returned, she had transformed his office.

In the back of rug a shop, Howroyd began her a staffing company, borrowing $1,000 from her mother.

Today, Janice Bryant Howroyd’s company is a global leader in staffing with operations in over 30 countries. She is a world-renowned business leader, philanthropist and advisor to presidents.

Here are 12 key principles Howroyd implements, gleaned from the wise counsel of her mother.

  1. Scale up, scale out and scale every way you can!

  2. Make it important to treat your team with care. They grow your business.

  3. No matter who signs your check, you are the one who writes them – by the quality of your work.

  4. We own our destiny, so work to make it all it can be.

  5. You must have faith in your work and the faith to work.

  6. Resilience is a key requirement to succeed in any business.

  7. Never compromise personally to get to what you want professionally.

  8. Ask once, but listen three times.

  9. Know the difference between the “reason” and the “excuse.” Accept no excuses and think with reason.

  10. Winners use the tools of their trade to achieve the goals of their dreams.

  11. Be honest with yourself about what you want and what you are willing (or unwilling) to do to achieve it.

  12. Always have integrity!
howroyd book cover

Order Janice Bryant Howroyd's book, Acting Up, here.

Listen to this Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Show interview on the Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Show on Sirius XM Radio channel 141-HUR Voices this Saturday at 4pm ET, Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm ET. Brought to you by Truist Bank.

For immediate access to all other interviews, download The Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Podcast on C-Suite Radio, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Media, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, or wherever else you get your podcasts. Listen and be inspired!

From Rugs To Riches

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Watch Dr. Willie and Dee Jolley's New TED Talk:
How To Never Argue In Marriage Again

TEDx video

We have some very exciting news!

Dr. Willie and Dee Jolley's TED Talk, "How To Never Argue Again In Marriage,” was just released!

Our goal is to get one million video views in the next 30 days and we need YOUR HELP.

We ask that you View it, Like It and Share It with AT LEAST 5 people...and ask them to do the same.

It is an idea worth sharing, so please share it with everyone you can!

It will help enhance lots of marriages.

Here it is…Enjoy!

Check Out Dr. Willie and Dee Jolley In The
March Issue Of CODE M Magazine!

code m magazine cover

Willie and Dee are featured in this month's issue of CODE M Magazine!

They discussed our marriage, shared tips for personal success and achievement and how both are possible and doable.

The Jolleys also shared their opinions on what couples need in order to keep the peace and joy in their households.

You can read the full article here on pages 32-35.

Need Marriage Or Relationship Help?
Tune In To The Jolley Marriage Show!

jolley marriage graphic

Tune in to Dr. Willie and Dee Jolley's weekly show, "The Jolley Marriage Show," streaming live Mondays on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Dr. Willie Jolley and Dee Taylor-Jolley have withstood the test of time. They have been married for over 37 years. They work together, play together, and along the way, they have learned how to stay together!

They are best friends, traveling companions and trusted advisors to each other. They experience the world together - enriching the lives of those they encounter.

On "The Jolley Marriage Show," Willie and Dee will show you how to successfully deal with hot-button issues within your marriage.

Go to to watch past episodes.

Got relationship questions? Send them to

Learn How To Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last!

marriage book

In this book, entitled, Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last!, The Jolleys share secrets they have learned personally, as well as secrets from others who they have interviewed. Some of these couples have been happily married for over 30, 40, 50 and even 60 years!

If you want a happy, long-lasting love relationship, Willie and Dee recommend you read this book. In fact, they recommend you get a copy for every couple you know.

Sale Price: Get 2 Books for $40

Learn How To Grow Your Speaking Business
and Make More Money At
The Rich Success Speaker Symposium!

speaker symposium graphic

Take advantage of the speaking opportunities created by this new work environment.

Businesses are searching for fresh, innovative approaches to educating, empowering and even energizing their disengaged, hybrid, remote and often on-site employees.

If you believe you’re that kind of professional, join me to learn how to build and sustain a successful speaking, publishing, and media business.

Effective speaking allows you to be an influencer.Publishing your writings gives your credibility with decision makers.

And Media exposure gets you millions of ears and eyeballs which expands your reach.

At the 2023 Rich Success Speaker Symposium, you’ll learn from someone who mastered all three – Dr. Willie Jolley.

  1. Speaking
    Learn the difference between speaking for a fee versus speaking to sell your products and services. You decide which model works best for you.

    Hone in on the specific skills needed for each style.

  2. Publishing
    Learn why publishing is essential for building your brand.Decide which type of publishing (Trade, Self, or Hybrid) would be most lucrative for you.

  3. Media
    Use earned, borrowed and owned media to grow your presence in the marketplace.Learn 5 key strategies to monetize your radio and television appearances.

Registration Fee: $5,997.00
Early Bird Special Registration Fee: $4,997.00 (Save $1000)

Dr. Willie Jolley Receives The
Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award!

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Willie Jolley Worldwide P.O. Box 55459 Washington, District of Columbia 20040 United States (202) 723-8863

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