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The Value Of The Kiss

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This is the time of the year when we celebrate LOVE. And two of the hottest relationship experts in the country are on my Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways radio show this week.

They’re Dr. Johnny and Lezlyn Parker. They are the "relationship architects” helping couples build (and often rebuild) loving relationships.

In fact, Dr. Parker’s parents were divorced for 36 years. They each came independently, to one of the Parkers’ marriage events, and Dr. Parker’s techniques were so powerful that they ended up talking, then dating and finally, getting re-married! And Dr. Johnny Parker performed the ceremony.

The Parkers’ have a popular new marriage program called “Kiss to Bliss.” They share that a daily 10-second kiss can impact your marriage and the people in the marriage in amazingly positive ways.

Their research shows that people who kiss for 10 seconds and have a brief conversation on pertinent relationship building topics, not only have a better marriage but also live longer, make more money and believe it or not, lose weight!

Here are 7 heart nurturing and heartwarming concepts from the Parkers:

  1. Too often, people start out on the “Love Boat” but end up on the sinking ship like the Titanic. They do not realize that love is not enough to sustain a marriage. Other skills are absolutely necessary.

  2. There are two communication elements critical for a meaningful relationship. Speak and be willing to listen. “Listen and Silent” have the same 6 letters...just arranged differently. When you listen and are willing to be silent, and let your spouse be heard, it can move your love to a completely different relationship.

  3. Success in marriage is “Hard Work” (but not hard labor).

  4. “Heart Work,” that is, the heart that has humility and is willing to say "I’m sorry" is the heart that wins most often.

  5. “Worth The Work.” It’s worth it when you can enjoy your home and each other. And with God, you can do that work. You made the vows and with God, you can win in marriage.

  6. Get marriage mentors. Couples can’t know themselves and grow themselves, by themselves. It takes help and a willingness to learn from those who have done it successfully.

  7. Marriage can have stressors (like disagreements on how to raise the children). Often, these stressors break the marriage into pieces. Make sure you have systems to handle the stressors.

Listen as Dr. Johnny and Lezlyn Parker share their sage advice to build or rebuild your relationship on the Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Show on Sirius XM Radio channel 141-HUR Voices this Saturday at 4pm ET, Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm ET. Brought to you by Truist Bank.

For immediate access to all other interviews, download The Willie Jolley Wealthy Ways Podcast on C-Suite Radio, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Media, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, or wherever else you get your podcasts. Listen and be inspired!

The Value Of The Kiss

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Watch Dr. Willie and Dee Jolley's New TED Talk:
How To Never Argue Again In Marriage

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We have some very exciting news!

Dr. Willie and Dee Jolley's TED Talk, "How To Never Argue Again In Marriage,” was just released!

Our goal is to get one million video views in the next 30 days and we need YOUR HELP.

We ask that you View it, Like It and Share It with AT LEAST 5 people...and ask them to do the same.

It is an idea worth sharing, so please share it with everyone you can!

It will help enhance lots of marriages.

Here it is…Enjoy!

Need Marriage Or Relationship Help?
Tune In To The Jolley Marriage Show!

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Tune in to Dr. Willie and Dee Jolley's weekly show, "The Jolley Marriage Show," streaming live Mondays on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Dr. Willie Jolley and Dee Taylor-Jolley have withstood the test of time. They have been married for over 37 years. They work together, play together, and along the way, they have learned how to stay together!

They are best friends, traveling companions and trusted advisors to each other. They experience the world together - enriching the lives of those they encounter.

On "The Jolley Marriage Show," Willie and Dee will show you how to successfully deal with hot-button issues within your marriage.

Go to to watch past episodes.

Got relationship questions? Send them to

Learn How To Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last!

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In this book, entitled, Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last!, The Jolleys share secrets they have learned personally, as well as secrets from others who they have interviewed. Some of these couples have been happily married for over 30, 40, 50 and even 60 years!

If you want a happy, long-lasting love relationship, Willie and Dee recommend you read this book. In fact, they recommend you get a copy for every couple you know.

Sale Price: Get 2 Books for $40

Dr. Willie Jolley Receives The
Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award!

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Willie Jolley Worldwide P.O. Box 55459 Washington, District of Columbia 20040 United States (202) 723-8863

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