Greetings Dear Ones yes it is I, Christ. I come to you on this most auspicious day. I say to you, Dear Sons and Daughters of Light, that I stand with you and I stand beside you. This is a very powerful day, Dearest Ones, for it is a energy of oneness. Today on your September 28, 2020, this is an energy of oneness, it is an energy of new beginnings. It is a powerful day of celebration, it is a powerful day of reclamation, it is a powerful day of healing. And so Dear Sons and Daughters, know that each of you were born in love, and that your Higher Self, your essence and your oversoul are now asking you to return to love. To hold the vibration of love within your heart, to hold the vibration of love within the essence of your being, and to hold the vibration of peace and tranquility within your soul. So we ask you to take a deep, inhaling breath, and begin to breathe in the energy of peace, and begin to breathe in the vibration of love. Beginning to recognize and to honor the truth of who you are. So I ask you now at this time to begin to prepare yourself to receive, as you align yourself with love. And so Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, feel the joy, feel the joy, feel the joy, feel the joy. Feel the peace, feel the peace, feel the peace. Transmuting all energies that no longer serve you and feeling the love. Truly may the love of God surround you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. Simply knowing that you are created in love.
So Dearest Ones, simply know that every soul on earth was born to exist in harmony with the Divine flow of the Creator. The flow of the Creator is extremely powerful. And the tendency of the personal ego is to manipulate the Divine flow, causing separation from your true essence, which only leads you away from your Divine path. And so Dear Ones, breathe in the energy of love, for as you call in this energy of love, your ego and your mind and the lower frequencies of fear have no place within your heart, within your home, within your consciousness, within your essence. And for those who have connected with fear, we ask you to begin to transmute this energy with love. It is important to understand that the power of love holds more power than you can conceptualize or imagine. For fear has no place within your body, for you are created in love. You are created in the imagine of the Creator, and the flow and the power of the Creator is the most powerful force field. You, Dearest Children, are that frequency. You are that light. You are that love. Now Dearest Children, begin to breathe in this warm, golden white light of God, emanating into the center of your heart. Breathe it in and expand this light to fill your entire body with the glow of love. Filling your body, your mind, your soul, all aspects of your being with this golden white light, that expands throughout your physical body, through your merkabic field, through all dimensions, time and space. Into a radiant wave of golden white light that is surrounding you and that is you. It is your light body, that you are now operating from your light body, that is filled with love, filled with peace and filled with tranquility, that is filled with joy. So we invite you now to begin to breathe in this energy naturally, and bring it into your heart chakra, as you begin to breathe into your heart chakra, into the beautiful, golden white light. Breathe it in naturally, expanding it into your auric field, and feel the vibration as a liquid light of healing, that is healing all fears, knowing that you are now dissolving all fears that no longer serve you.
Know that you will free yourself to bring the energy of love into your body, into your mind, into your soul, and with this intention, continue to imagine yourself enveloped in this Golden White Light, of this pure white light of God, like waves and waves of ocean energy, the waves of the ocean, healing you of fear. Experiencing and feeling the cleansing of your soul, and feeling the energy now returning back to oneness. Feeling the energy and the essence of all that is. Feeling the energy of love. Knowing that you are healing all fear and focusing on love. If you erase all fear and focus solely on love, then only love can be created. Fear, chaos and negativity cannot be created unless they are first present within you. Fear, chaos and negativity cannot be created unless they are first present within you. So now breathe in this golden white light, as you feel it enveloping you, feeling the presence of joy, feeling the presence of peace, feeling the presence of tranquility upon your soul. Feeling this energy of love, as if as a force field, a unified force field of divine love. It is invincible, yes, an invincible force, divine love, that is now enveloping you. Now allow this energy to begin to fill every cell, every fiber, every pore of your being. Becoming aware that every electron in your body is vibrating to the power of love. That you are now aware of every electron in your body, pulsating with the frequency of love. Feeling the presence and focusing your attention on now relaxing, letting go, letting God. As you are in this unified force field of Divine Love, Holy Grace, and now begin to vibrate to this energy and invite the full presence of your Higher Self to vibrate within your heart, allowing your Higher Self to merge with all aspects of your being, your mental mind, begin to clear and heal any fear, to erase all fear, to erase all negativity and chaos so that you may be at peace.
For those who are not aware of the power of love, and are not in tune with their Higher Self and the energy of God, they are feeling this sense of being overwhelmed with the fears of the world, and allowing these fears to rise within them, identifying with them, feeling that they are real, and then manifesting them into reality creating even more chaos. This is what is happening in your current civilization, it is what happened during Atlantis. It is important to realize that others cannot influence you unless you allow them. If you erase all fear and focus solely on love, then only love can be created, only love can abide, only love can be present within the essence of your being. Remember, fear negativity and chaos cannot be created within you unless they are first present within your consciousness. So now, Dearest Ones, surround yourself with love, and we invite you to begin to breathe into your heart chakra, simply beginning to breathe in this frequency of love, with this intention imagine yourself in this orb of white light in your innocence, in your purity of your original state of being, the intention now that you are at peace and that you are in harmony with all of life and all things. There is no place for fear, there is only love. There is no place for fear, there is only love. The vibration of peace and love are now emanating through all aspects of your being. Simply begin to feel this energy of the peace that you hold within the essence of your being. I now surround myself completely in the energy and the vibration of love, that I connect to my heart chakra in all that I do, in all that I create. That you are the creator, that you are the co-creator with the Divine. That you are the creator and you are the co-creator with the Divine. I release all fear within me and the fear projected to me by others, for love is my power and focus, for love is my power and focus, for fear has no place within my home. Love ignites and blossoms within my soul, within my consciousness. I exist in unison with the Creator. I am safe, I am loved, I am free. I exist in unison with the Creator. I am safe, I am loved, I am free. I am grounded, centered, balanced and whole, now able to continue my life as I now am here as a co-Creator with the Divine, in this new earth, creating heaven on earth. For it is now safe for you to creator your own heaven on earth. You are a co-creator with the Divine. You are creating heaven on earth through your thoughtforms, by the energy of love in which you emanate.
As you begin to feel your heart begin to expand, simply breathe in this energy. As you are filled with the golden energy it expands, filling your body, mind and soul with abundant waves of radiance. Radiant waves of divine light and love. Feeling yourself in the heart of the mother, feeling your heart in the energy of Divine Father as you return to balance, re-remembering your unity and your innocence. Re-remembering unity and innocence, once again take a deep breath and release all fear, and any fear projected onto your by others, for love is my power, and my focus, and I am now in unison with the Creator. Love, feeling and sensing the experience of love. Feeling it project into the essence of who you truly are. So take a deep breath and connect yourself to energy through the chakra in the soles of your feet. Feeling the essence from your earth star chakra, connecting to love. Once again feeling grounded, centered, balanced as you exist in divine, loving harmony with yourself and all of life. As love ignites and blossoms from your soul, because this is who you are. As you remember who you truly are, you are love and you are loved. So love will heal all, love will heal all, love will heal all. So now take a moment and begin to project this love out onto the world, to your family, to your friends, to your community, to the world at large. To all souls who are not in unison with love, with their true divinity, send the power of love to heal their fears if they so shall, to receive. Sending love out to Mother Gaia, to all life forms, to all sentient beings. To the animal kingdom, to the mineral kingdom, to the plant kingdom, to all the marine life, to the air, to the water, to the earth. Sending energy of healing, of love, waves and waves and waves of love, now sending healing throughout this planet through the grid lines that Kryon has built, this powerful gridline of the new heaven on earth. Remember it is safe to create your heaven on earth, you have the power to do it. Remember Dearest Children the force field of energy through your thought forms, I encourage you to be aware of the power of your thoughts.
So know, sending love, the energy from your heart out into the world, will increase the vibration and the frequency of love on this planet 100 fold, by sending the energy of love from your heart chakra, it will increase the vibration of love onto this earth plane by 100 fold. Your love will heal, your love will heal, your love will heal. Simply imagine yourself now as you are tapping into your Higher Self, and you are recognizing and feeling the power of your Higher Self emanating the power of your love, the power of your light, the power of your true divinity, relax, trust and receive that your Higher Self is guiding you, that your Higher Self is filled with love and that every decision, every action, every thought will be guided by love from your Higher Self, for your Highest good. So begin to breathe in the energy of this power, becoming aware that you are pulsating the frequency of Divine Love and your Higher Self is now expanding within your consciousness at a deeper level, and that with this day and as you move forward, your Higher Self will guide you, easily, effortlessly. And the abundance that is your birthright shall step forward.
So Dearest Children, the power of love, the power of love indeed is the unified force field that is your birthright. So your innocence, the purity of your soul responds to the love that you are, and the love emanates from your being. Giving and receiving love, giving and receiving love, giving and receiving love. So now I shall step back and allow my Mary to speak, and so simply know that the light of God surrounds you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well, and the power of love is the guiding light of your divine, beautiful, unified force field as you live in remembrance and joy of who you truly are. Go in peace, go in peace, go in peace.
Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. As I come to each of you I bow to each of you, I thank you Dearest Children for stepping forward into the beauty of the force field of love. It was the energy that I felt from Yeshua, as he merged also into his oversoul, into his unified force field, into Christ Consciousness. It was the energy that many felt as the felt the magnetism to him, they felt his love vibration, they felt the magnetism, being drawn to his vibration. And so today you are receiving this energy, that my beloved Christ received during his time of awakening and through his own ascension process. Today you are receiving this vibration as well, as if you are a walking mantra, your vibration is love. Others will feel it, others will sense it, many may be drawn to it, others may be repelled by it, but yes Dearest Ones, the force field of love around you, is being built stronger and stronger and stronger, as a protective shield of light around your auric field, and filled within your mental body, your physical body, and all aspects of your emotional body, and is healing any fears that no longer serve you. Remember, fear has no control over you, negativity and projection of fears onto you by others has no control over you. When you are in this unified force field of love, any and all negativity and fear cannot penetrate within you, so it is as if you are in a bubble of light, if you are in a bubble of love. As you receive and live in divine, loving harmony with yourself and your Higher Self, for love ignites within you the power of love ignites within you, for you are grounded, centered, balanced, safe and protected by all energy that is not of pure love, keeping you healthy mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically strong. And so truly the love of God and the power of the light and the love is felt within your force field of energy, and so feel this energy now coming as if it is coming through you like a force field, the infinity symbol, and now it is grounding in your physicality, and now going through your root chakra, in the root star chakra, into Mother Gaia, and the love and the light and the healing is at peace. Peace to earth. May love and light and peace be on earth.
May the love of God truly surround this planet, may the love of God truly heal this planet, may the love of God truly surround this planet only with love. Be at peace, be at peace, be at peace, for this is the energy, this is the essence, this is the light, this is the love, this is the peace, this is the energy, this is the light, this is the love that is now surrounding this planet and all energy is now being grounded into Mother Gaia. Go my children now and prepare yourself to receive, prepare yourself to receive, prepare yourself to receive, once again anchoring the energy of love into the divine essence of your soul, knowing that your Higher Self is guided by this love and you are at peace. Be still, be still, be still and know that you are loved, be still, be still, be still and know that you are loved. Loved beyond measure, loved beyond comprehension, be still and know that you are loved.