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What's The Current State of AI Video? (at least this week)

25 Jun 2024 | Posted Under AI

What's The Current State of AI Video? (at least this week)

In my last email about AI image generation, I mentioned that I would also write about AI video generation tools.


As someone who built his first successful AI Chabot 25 years ago, and as a videographer with my own multiple green screen studios since about the same time, it's an area that I have a lot of interest in.


In mid-February I wrote about OpenAI's Sora which seemingly came out of nowhere to show a quantum leap in AI-generated video.


Prior to Sora, the leaders in AI text-to-video generation, or image-to-video generation, were tools like RunwayML Gen 2, Pika Labs, Haiper, MoonValley, Timension AI Studios, Stable Video Diffusion, Kaiber, LTX Studio and others.


But their video output was pretty rough, to put it mildly, and they could only generate a few seconds before crumbling into unusable territory. They could be extended up to about 16 seconds, but the output was still rather poor.


They were not really usable for professional work, but many people used them to create interesting new video art forms.


And then suddenly there was Sora, producing 60 second clips of a cinematic quality level that we had not expected to see for some years. So much so that Tyler Perry put work on his $800 million studio expansion on hold.


BUT, after teasing us with some extraordinary videos, OpenAI announced that they didn't really know when they would be releasing it.


Then in late April came Vidu from China, in mid-May, Veo from Google, in early June, Kling, also from China (and which requires you to have a Chinese phone number), and Luma's Dream Machine. All of these were hailed as "Sora killers" with YouTubers talking about how people were SHOCKED, STUNNED etc. (yes, they usually put these words in caps), but to me they really didn't match Sora's quality at all.


Then a week ago RunWayML announced Gen 3, which I feel is finally a true Sora competitor. The image is a still from one of their videos, and they claim that it will be released "very soon". So it's looking like now Sora is really going to have to pull a rabbit out of the hat to compete.


Tony Rockliff

AI Consultant with 25 years of AI experience

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