things down to the next generation is an age-old tradition...and,
frankly, one that we Boomers generally have not made a priority.

telling our kids stories of their birth (I was born at exactly 5:05 am,
March 2, 1954...I know the exact times my sibs were born and the story
surrounding each event, too...neat!) & important moments for you
growing up, to tales of their ancestors (my Nana & Pop Pop were
quite the partiers in the '20's...neat #2!), passing on family lore and
precious things is, as Visa put it...priceless (or was that
MasterCard...ah, but I digress...).
What do you want your kids to have that they'll enjoy keeping?
To get you started, here's some ideas I found for you...perfect for a box of small treasures to pass down that they'll love: