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Keeping the Light On + My birthday!

06 Nov 2024 | Posted Under Attitude


Keeping the LIGHT on

Some GOOD News


+My Birthday


Greetings, Fiery Friends...

I know that many of us may be feeling many things today, so I'd like to offer some GOOD news & new resources to help us keep the LIGHT on...



Today is my Birthday. And it has, indeed, taken a very different turn than I could ever have imagined, so I knew that in order for me to move forward & help others, it was important for me to be "Remembering".

No matter who in inaugurated in January (as much can happen before then), it is up to each of US to do whatever we can to keep the LIGHT on in our hearts, souls, and lives.

Here is a truth that I have come to know, friends (and when I say this, understand that this is MY truth):

While I will ALWAYS do all I can to support the things that (I feel) have the potential to benefit the greatest number of people and that promote kindness, equality, and opportunity for ALL to prosper, live, and love fully with the freedom to choose, I also know that true freedom is - and always will be an INSIDE JOB.

And the moment we buy into the idea that some outside entity or system has control over our lives, that is the moment we start the journey down a path that leads to victimhood...

...and, friends, after seeing that play out in the lives of SO many people I have loved, many of whom have manifested various diseases, and left this earth well before their time, I have found that:

  • Choosing a path of empowerment

  • Remembering that EVERY being has their own, individual beliefs and POA (Point Of Attraction)

  • Understanding we ALL have guidance that can and will lead each of us to the resources we need and to what is beneficial - if we are willing to tune out the noise and listen from a place of clarity and calm 

  • Communicating and acting from a place of LOVE is always beneficial & helpful

  • Feeding your heart, mind, and focus with data, media, conversations, and connecting with communities that promote LIGHT, hope & possibility AND

  • Asking yourself, "WDYW?" (What Do You WANT?), and then doing all you can to listen to your guidance and move in THAT direction...

Lead to the knowing that there is ALWAYS a way forward to allowing YOUR success, and YOUR flow of abundance, well-being, and FREEDOM.

...Which places you in a position to BE a light and resource that can help others move forward - even in uncertain times - and light the way for others to remember THEIR power and LIGHT :).

On that note, here is a song that may help you to REMEMBER the power that you - and we ALL - have:


May this soothe your soul and help YOU remember who YOU are & what YOU can do.



Some of you have seen my little hints in previous emails, but for a variety of reasons, something told me to wait just a wee bit longer...

...However, today, it felt all-kinds-of-right to share this news on My Birthday :).

The above images are not AI-generated, but actual screenshots that represents the culmination of a beautiful journey of following inspired action and using THE very tools I've been sharing for years in my courses, books, articles, and with coaching clients, so I am SO very excited to say:

I am now a proud contributor with

Humanity's Team & Humanity's Stream+

THE largest global streaming platform for consciousness-raising Movies, Documentaries, Masterclasses, Music, and Transformational Education!

...THE same platform that includes the work of life transformation luminaries, leading-edge scientists, and visionaries:

Deepak Chopra

Greg Braden

Bruce Lipton

Neale Donal Walsch (Conversations with God)

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Nassim Haramein

Iyanla Vanzant

...and MANY MORE!!!!!

So if, like me, YOU love the idea of a Netflix/Amazon Prime-type streaming platform that is filled with ALL high-vibe, uplifting, hope-affirming, and even life-changing content that will leave you feeling happier, lighter, clearer...

...While reminding you that no matter what life may throw at us, there is always a way forward & a beautiful variety of paths to do exactly that:


FYI: The direct link to my course is here

---Attracting Authentic Relationships Life Coach Certification---

In times like these, to get to be a part of a community that confirms that there truly IS good in the world, that there is science that demonstrates that REAL solutions HAVE been found (+ MORE are on the way), and that there is a whole sector of the population that is also passionately focused upon and actively contributing to the evolution of human consciousness, is most certainly helping me keep MY light on right now.

On that note: MANY of these visionary ideas & amazing findings are shared in Humanity's Team Global Oneness Summit:



For more Articles & BLOGS:



For Courses, Coaching & Resources to Move Forward No Matter What:



For Music, Available Bands & Concerts that feed Well-Being:



To Explore More & Subscribe to





Here's to:

Knowing that when you tune in to what your heart believes

You will ALWAYS find the path to being well, prosperous, and FREE

So look to the LIGHT and reach ever HIGHER

To truly live your precious, beautiful LIFE on FIRE!

Hugs to All :).


Terez Firewoman | 727-687-8219 | Tampa, FL, USA |
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