Greetings & Happy Fall (or Spring) Fiery Friends!
I hope this message finds you smiling and thriving as we move forward into the soon-to-be mega buzz of the holiday season :)
So much has happened in the last few months that has set many new dreams, creations, and ventures into motion, including some fun new developments with our MUSIC (which I'll share in my next email!) but today, I will start with this:
In the last 3 months, the final pieces of a 2-year labor of love fell into place…
As I started work on the final section of the “Onward, Upward & Forward Master Class”, life, again, threw me into some really challenging extreme life circumstances.
I was presented with a unique opportunity: to practice implementing the tools I created for that course (which I first created for myself while coping with loss and grief). And not only did those tools bring me relief in those moments and help me find my back to moving FORWARD, but I also discovered some NEW tools along the way.
So, the delays and lessons were all worth it... because even though I THOUGHT that course was complete, life gifted me with beautiful new processes that I knew HAD to be a part of this course. As I continued to experience “repeat performances” of what these tools and ideas did for MY mind, spirit, relationships, career, and even physical body, I knew I HAD to allow the extra time, love, and focus to include them in the course…
…Because if they could help even ONE person move forward and find RELIEF, it was worth the delay.
So if you (or someone you care about) are:
-->Struggling with grief, anxiety, depression, and even trauma
-->Feeling stuck or stagnant
-->Recovering from loss, divorce/breakup, job/financial change, medical challenges, or extreme experience
-->Seeking to get clear about what you REALLY want
AND are wanting to:
-->Have a SOLID sense of direction and plan of action
-->Interrupt and change unhealthy patterns
-->Feel less alone & more connected, and encourage deeper, more meaningful relationships
-->Feel more energized and ALIVE
-->Get MOVING – mentally AND physically
-->Open yourself up to NEW ideas and NEW streams of income
-->Experience more peace – and even JOY - during the holidays this year
-Start the NEW YEAR strong
…Plus SO much more
With the holiday season approaching – which for SO many of us is such a highly emotionally-charged time (as I know firsthand) - I wanted to ensure that this course would be accessible and affordable to get these tools in your hands STAT.
*To receive 50% OFF, REGISTER BEFORE 11/30/22
If you also love the idea of HELPING OTHERS move forward AND EARNING INCOME in the process, get certified as a COACH and use all of these tools with your clients!
Register before 11/30/22 and you'll SAVE 50% on the upcoming Onward, Upward & Forward DUAL Life Coach Certification Course – which will allow you to get TWO certifications in ONE course.
Become an Onward, Upward & Forward Certified Coach (with 2 Certifications)!
1 Focus Mastery Life Coach Certification
Help others to take back their power with MEGA clarity, forward focus mastery + manifestation momentum + evoking your inner visionary.
2 Breakthrough Life Coach Certification
Help others get UNSTUCK and find their way from coping to THRIVING through mega life moments like loss, anxiety, grief and life transitions.
With these two credentials alone, you'll have the tools you need to:
-->Help others get MOVING and start the new year with clarity, focus & excellence
-->Support others in their process of coping and moving through and beyond grief, anxiety, depression, and major life challenges
-->A rare opportunity in a SINGLE course!
-->And there's no need to enroll in both courses. You'll get access to the FULL Onward, Upward & Forward Master Class RIGHT NOW, then the rest of the coach training content will magically appear inside this course in December when it's officially launched!
Why start with the Master Class or Certification course NOW?
-->Enjoy the benefits of moving Onward, Upward & Forward in YOUR life now
-->Get powerful tools to prevent & manage stress during the Holiday season
-->Get clear about YOUR direction for the new year
-->Get familiar with ALL core tools NOW, so you breeze through the certification content quickly
-->Be ready to start coaching & helping others as soon as January 2023!
PLUS, register now for the Certification version of this course and receive special holiday BONUSES:
-->FREE copy of the audiobook "The Complete Guide to Total Transformation" that I recorded with Joeel and Natalie of Transformation Academy! AND, you'll receive a free copy of the ebook and workbook that go along with it!
-->PLUS, receive a FREE ebook of 2 multi-author books filled with inspirational stories + tools, including mine! "Transform Your Life Books 1 + )
I'm passionate about these tools because they did ALL OF THIS for me:
-->Got me through the most extreme & emotionally-charged events of my life
-->Helped me discover new perspectives about life, the Universe, and everything
-->Helped me find new ways of coping with and moving beyond grief & trauma
-->Opened me up to more abundance & new opportunities
-->Deepened and strengthened my relationships
-->Helped me reclaim & expand my well-being
-->Helped ignite my inner visionary to think bigger and expand into new territory
-->Helped me get back to moving forward to experience productivity, abundance, wellness & authentic joy
-->All based on MY REAL LIFE and VERY REAL EXPERIENCES & challenges
And I genuinely feel that if you approach this course with an open mind & heart, you (and the ones you love or serve) can experience these benefits and SO much more...
...for if there EVER was a time to help others & move Onward, Upward & Forward for the benefit of ALL - It. Is. NOW.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, consider taking this journey with me, and help someone you care about today!
Here’s to moving Onward, Upward & Forward and to Living LIFE on FIRE!
BIG Hugs to ALL!
~Terez Firewoman