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Florida Help + Discount & BONUS for NEW Abundance Course!


Florida Help

+ Discount & BONUS for NEW Abundance Course!


Happy Fiery Friday, Fab, Fiery Friends...

This has been a time of extremes for SO many – and for many Floridians and those in the southeast, a time of unprecedented challenges...

But just like all generations before us who also experienced life-shifting events, enormous natural disasters (with nowhere near the infrastructure we have in our modern times to help with recovery), and crazy, human-related conflicts, we, too CAN and WILL continue to find ways to move Onward, Upward, and Forward for the benefit of ALL.

Below are some ideas, tools, and links, that could help ??.



ALL experiences and events - no matter how extreme or difficult - are catalysts for opening new doors or serve as invitations to see life from a different perspective, so take a moment to consider these 4 questions:

1. What NEW ideas, experiences, or discoveries have these recent events opened for me?

2. What NEW connections or deeper, closer relationships were borne of this experience?

3. What GOOD or helpful aspects did I discover about myself?

4. What would/could be even BETTER than what was?



For any Floridians who have been deeply affected by our back-to-back hurricanes, you may be entitled to some financial assistance + resources. Check out these links:

Cleanup/Debris Disposal:


Special thanks to our fiery friends, Latha & "Ella" Antoanella for sharing these links with us!



If EVER there was a time to open yourself up to Allowing Abundance, it is NOW.

Life in the 21st century has shown all of us a very powerful and intense “truth” – that life and financial flow as we know it is and will continue to be subject to CHANGE. 

BUT, when you discover how to SHIFT into an Abundance & Prosperity-focused mindset – regardless of “life” circumstances – you can and will always find a way forward to your flow of resources + a few bonuses, upgrades & happy surprises along the way!

The "SHIFT" formula, insights, and new paradigms I share in this course, based on the real-life tools I have been using successfully for decades, along with powerful NEW concepts that flowed in real-time while creating the course, have truly been game-changers for me. Even while creating this course, I had SEVERAL amazing manifestations flow into my life including a MEGA gift that I talk about in the course and that I’ll be sharing in my next email!

…And while we all have our own unique beliefs, ideas, and attitudes when it comes to money/financial flow, and abundance, if you are willing to open your heart & mind – while staying true to what feels best and right for YOU – this course truly can open new doors, windows, and pathways to a whole new world of flow, opportunities, resources, freedom, peace, and even trust & knowing that you ARE always supported by Life, the Universe, and Everything.

But I have to be honest, friends...

This is NOT a get-rich-quick-magic-pill that will instantly transform your entire financial life in 3 seconds flat. 

…BUT if you give this course your full attention and focus, actually follow through with the exercises & tools, and make it your mission to be consistent, you WILL see a shift in how you FEEL - and even in what CAN come flowing in - as soon as TODAY and NOW.

Another benefit? This is NOT a 40-hour-long course!

I called this “LOA Abundance SIMPLIFIED” because the entire course is only 4 hours TOTAL (with most videos under 10 minutes each)...

You could literally be up and running to opening your flow in less than ½ a day!


…To ADD to your abundance flow, this is also a full Life Coach Certification course!

= By the end of this course you will also receive an official certificate & full credentials from my fab partners at Transformation Academy, and have all forms, templates, program flow, and everything you need to Coach Abundance and open yourself up to another stream of income!

Ready to Start Attracting & Allowing More Financial Flow?


(SAVE OVER 75% OFF the regular price of $197)


***NOTE that in many cases discount won't show up until you go to the checkout page***

*If, however, even this level of discount would be a financial barrier for being able to take the course, but you KNOW it could be helpful, email me at with your circumstances.

I was able to negotiate a special, one-time hardship rate for those in need with my fab & generous friends at Transformation Academy ??


In the spirit of helping those in need get back to moving forward quickly, if you register for the course on or before 10/24/24, you will also receive a 20-minute FREE abundance laser-coaching session with me**. =A short meat-and-potatoes session with personalized tool/s and a plan to help you start moving forward to financial flow NOW. =$100+ Value!

Simply email me with proof of your registration RE: Abundance NOW! to book your date & time in 2024. **Note: This offer applies to available dates/times in 2024 on a first come, first serve basis.


Here's to changing the game of Abundance and Financial flow to one that everyone can win – as when one person prospers, it truly does benefit ALL!



Here's to:

Experiencing ABUNDANCE and Sharing the WEALTH

Loving what you DO And being GOOD to your sweet SELF

Knowing there IS a path to what you truly DESIRE

And to truly living LIFE on FIRE!

Hugs to All!!!


Terez Firewoman | 727-687-8219 | Tampa, FL, USA |
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