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Teenager, Graduation and Empty Nesting.

"It seems like yesterday" - we hear that all the time - but it IS true.  My youngest daughter is graduating from High School and I am a soon-to-be empty nester.  I have had children since I was 19 and even now when I travel - I must turn on the television just for the noise. I'm blessed in that the oldest ones have married and started families of their own so there are still litte toes to kiss.  It's still not quite the same thing. 

All the dreams you have had for your child go out the door when she leaves and you just hope and pray that all the parenting you did didn't do too much damage.  It's a different role I'll play.  It is validating to know that I still get calls asking for advice from the older kids.  It was good to have them close and also spread out.  By that I mean they range from 41 to 17!  Their youth certainly kept me young. I am blessed and hope they feel the same way from my love. 

It's a new passage in life for two women - one event - two paradigms!

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