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How to Turn an "Inner Value" into a Reality

How to Turn an "Inner Value" into a Reality
In 2017, I made “inner peace” a priority in my life. At the end of the year, I realized that whatever I was doing was working: I had more peace in my soul and more ease in my life. I flowed with life, not against it, and made choices that honored “inner peace.” I now see how setting the intention and supporting it with mindful choices and purposeful actions have enabled me to have more of this value. Of course, it is still a “work in progress.”

This year my focus is to experience more “joy” in my being and life. I want a quiet joy that is filled with gratitude for my spirituality, relationships, possessions and experiences. As I apply the same process that worked this year, I expect to have a more “joyful heart” at the end of 2018.

My four step process is described below; it will enable you to turn one of your
“inner values” into a reality. A value can be: fun, beauty, serenity, friendship, adventure, acceptance, abundance, autonomy, connection, and so much more. As a result of changing your perceptions, thoughts and actions, you can live with more of what you want in your being and life. For example, by setting the intention to experience more “love”, your perceptions will help you see love, your choices will make it a priority, and your actions will ground it in your life. A Higher Power will do the rest.

Once you make a conscious commitment to a specific value and are willing to do some work to have it, it can be yours. What inner value do you want more of in your life? The process works like this:

Set the intention: Make a commitment to have more of an “intended value” in your being and life. Hold it loosely in the back of your mind; you might even write it down. Initially, remind yourself once a day or once a week until your “intended value” has energetically taken root within you. With a life of its own, the “intention” will remind you to choose what you want instead of getting caught up in some alternative, like a negative judgment, emotional drama, pity party or temper tantrum. My commitment to inner peace became a mantra that got louder and louder in my being. Whenever I felt myself going into turmoil, I stopped myself and refocused my attention toward inner peace.

Act on the new value: Do not allow yourself to be hijacked from what you say you want by an external situation or your own negative emotions and self-talk. Instead, catch yourself being pulled away from the value you want, while it is happening. Then, make a conscious choice to refocus and realign to your “intended value.” Your efforts and actions will achieve the outcome you want. Be patient because it takes practice to strengthen that “muscle.” When I found myself having inner turmoil over something in the news, in my business or in a relationship, I stopped and told myself: “I choose inner peace right now.” I also made lifestyle changes that supported my serenity.

Surrender the outcome to a Higher Power: Grace enters when you do your part with an open mind and uplifted heart. As you let go of controlling the outcome while continuing to do your best, you begin to see your circumstances from a higher perception and act accordingly. Before you know it, Spirit has carried you to the finish line. When inner peace eluded me, I let go of struggling for it and asked a Higher Power to intervene. I think grace took on the challenge and helped me; the process began to feel effortless over time.

Acknowledge your successes: Each time you choose your “intended value” over an alternative, acknowledge it with praise and gratitude. Celebrate that you are changing. Your minor successes will lead to major successes. Eventually, you will notice that you are being in the world with more of your “intention.” You will feel filled with your value and your circumstances will reflect it. Remember; the inside and the outside come together one step at a time. Each time I recognized that I made inner peace more important to me than turmoil, angst or conflict, I gave thanks and felt uplifted. I also acknowledged the changes I made in my lifestyle to support my intention. Before I knew it, inner harmony took a stand in my soul and ease showed up in my life. 

In a world that feels out of control, you can focus on something positive and constructive in order to become a better version of yourself. As you set an intention and follow through with purposeful actions, you are taking charge of what is within your power to change. You are also inviting a Higher Power to offer assistance.

Strengthening an “inner value” is a great way to feel empowered, energized and fulfilled. In addition, your interactions with others and life itself will change for the better. You might even become a role model for others to follow.

To live well longer, decide what value you want more of in your life and do your part to make it a reality.

What do you want more of in your life? What are you willing to do to make it a reality? Would an accountability partner help you achieve your desires faster and with ease? If yes, consider contacting me today.

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