We will all be glad when 2020 is over, yes this has been a hard year, and it has been decider for many too. A lot of business’s have had to close their doors for the last time, and that must have been a very hard decision to make.
As business owners we all know the hard work and sacrifices it takes to dream and then create a business. It takes guts to take the leap into the unknown or to expand a new or existing venture, and then for it all to go wrong, the crushing misery that follows is palpable.
But what if this is not your first failure? What if the COVID virus was just one reason? Do you keep on trying?
You shouldn’t let failure stop you. You should embrace your flaws.
Being a master of failure, doesn’t necessary mean you throw in the towel..Absolutely not! The old adage of dusting yourself off and starting all over again really does ring true as an entrepreneur.
“If you fail too big, you don’t get to fail anymore. If you never fail, then you haven’t done anything”
But there is a fine balance of failing too softly and failing too hard. “If you fail too big, you don’t get to fail anymore. If you never fail, then you haven’t done anything” Seth Godin.
You have to find the sweet spot in the middle, for you to keep going, until that is, you hit it right!
That doesn’t mean you can then let go of the reins…it should be nurtured, invested in and be allowed to grow. Taking care of your online reputation is one way to manage your digital presence and Rannko is a good place to start.
Don’t let yourself fall into the money trap.
If you can grasp the concept of making your dream come true rather than always chasing money, you will reach new levels of success. Of course, money is a fantastic resource, but it shouldn’t be the main driving force behind your business, your dream is what you should be using to get up every day, and to make your dream happen.
If you are just looking for a business, any business, to get up and running, you really do need to know the industry you are investing or building. No-one should go into anything new blindly, without research, why would you?
To create a truly great business, it’s not enough to make something people want. Great businesses create something people care about.
If you focus on building something that customers care about, you are much more likely to build something great than if you focus on simply building something that they want.
Wants are short-term, impulsive, and distracting. Making what people want isn’t a strategy, it is a tactic — and a potentially misleading one.
We are about to enter into a new year..and we do see the light at the end of the tunnel, but things are not going to magically change by the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve. What has happened though in 2020, is people have had time to stop and re-evaluate what they want from a business…is this what I want to do? or Can I do it? If that meant closing your doors for the last time..or maybe creating new doors to open, don’t be afraid.
It takes true courage to keep pushing forward, especially in the face of failure, or even in the struggle of reopening after the recent pandemic. But it’s what you do when you own a business, you keep going, you go down every avenue, you strip back and rethink your strategies, your goals and you set new plans in place.
That takes courage.