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Spiritual Lessons

                                Spiritual Lessons

It came in the mail unexpectedly. A brochure about a conference put on by an obscure group called the Coptics. Since it was taking place in Olivet, Michigan, at the same location where I had on several occasions been a conference presenter for another group, I took this as a sign. I had always had a wonderful time at these events, and arrived home afterwards exhausted yet “elevated” by the infusion of intense spiritual energies that this group collectively generated. I was ready for another spiritual infusion, so why not?

         Arriving late on Friday afternoon, I spent the dinner hour and evening mostly alone, speaking to a few people, but not making any real connections. When the evening ended without the party (and the popcorn) I had come to expect at Olivet events, I began to wonder if the weekend was going to be as much fun as I had hoped. A new attitude was definitely in order.

         Lesson number one: Let go of expectations.

         The next day, I went to sign up for workshops. None seemed to jump out at me, so I reverted to my intuition and picked several that, had I been using conscious choice, would have been closer to the bottom of my list. Oh, well.

         Lesson number two: Trust the process.

         Surprisingly, several of the workshops were much better than I had expected. Not only did I learn something new, I met several nice ladies from the Ann Arbor area who quickly took me into the fold of their little group. Things were looking up.

         Lesson number three: Following your intuition is a good idea.

         By Saturday evening I was definitely enjoying myself. Still, the hoped for “spiritual infusion” was not yet forthcoming. Perhaps this smaller group could not general sufficient power?  Somewhat disappointed, I suddenly realized that my expectations, my agenda was itself possibly getting in the way. I knew that my next spiritual step required letting go of all expectations, all desire. Could I do this…even for a weekend? It was time to find out.

         Lesson number four: Know thyself.

Sunday…the last day. During a really deep group meditation, I sincerely asked to be released from desire. My personal will had become a hindrance. I truly wanted to let it go.

In the moment of making that honest request, something changed. My heart opened up and was filled with energy. I felt a  fusion and integration taking place between my heart (love center) and my solar plexus (will center). Ironically, by letting go of my agenda, I had finally achieved it.

Lesson number five.


Rita Milios, LCSW, The Mind Mentor, is a psychotherapist, author and workshop presenter. from Kissimmee, FL. She can be reached for information regarding workshops or spiritual coaching sessions at Or call Rita at 863-496-7223.

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