Today, more than ever, we are forced to make what may be a
long-awaited personal decision, the decision to choose our own
Many of us have been allowing external reports to upset our
equilibrium. We’ve been pining over delayed longings for friends,
relatives, bosses, institutions and leaders to help us, rescue us, to
improve our sense of hope and well-being.
As a result, we’ve been mired
in negative emotions that have darkened our hopes. We’ve stifled the
power of our own creativity and imagination.
Surprisingly, we have more control over happiness than we imagine. We
can choose to exchange heaviness for light and replace our sorrows with
a choice for some sunshine.
“We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle
that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future.” ~
John F. Kennedy
Spoken more than a half century ago, our former U.S. President’s
words arise anew and afresh for our modern world, even though spoken
from his grave. Careful use of the pronoun “we” indicates that former
head of state was referring to all of us, not just to himself or to an
elect group of leaders.
John F. Kennedy’s timeless words pose a reminder
that we can each light our own candle from within. We can choose to
radiate a brilliance of our own.
We can be individuals who choose to influence the world rather than succumb to influences that make us feel daunted, diminished, depressed or even powerless.
Podcast 131: Time to Choose Happiness
Welcome to my latest podcast: Time to Choose Happiness.
It’s designed for anyone who has ever felt hard pressed. It speaks to
those who have labored with heaviness, hopelessness and a loss of
personal power.
None of us is immune to dark feelings as we contemplate life. Sorrows
and other challenges can hit us at any age and visit us in any
I welcome you to listen in, hear some of my story, and be inspired to choose happiness for yourself today, too.
Press here for Podcast 131: Time to Choose Happiness.

Maura is an International Speaker on Influence, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
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