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For far too long we have been taught scriptures are stories about people separate from ourselves who lived thousands of years ago. We have not understood the relevance of each allegory and person as they pertain to our lives today. If truth be known, each person and event in the Bible is happening within you at this very moment! Yes, that’s right, the Bible is all about an ascension of consciousness within man corporately and you individual.

Do you realize the“virgin” which is able to birth the Christ has always been resident within you? When scriptures speaks about a “virgin” they are referring to the pure, innocent and perfect spiritual consciousness within each of us. It's not just referring to a woman who has not had sexual relations with a man. The Bible is a metaphysical spiritual book and must be understood by the Spirit!

Webster’s Dictionary defines “virgin” as free of impurities or stain, caste, and unspoiled. We all originated from this virginal state of consciousness. It's our source and true Being.

Mary said, “Be it unto me according to your word (not the belief of man.) Mary was in tune with her consciousness which was pure and saw no evil. She viewed everything through the pure innocent single eye of a spiritual consciousness. Because of this virginal consciousness, she was able to birth the Christ.

My name is Mary Lou as you know and many years ago I looked up the meaning of Mary in the Greek and was greatly surprised! I expected to read a highly spiritual meaning, pointing to a great destiny. What I found was quite different! The name Mary means, “rebellious and obstinate” and was derived from the Hebrew name Marion, Moses’s rebellious sister. How could this be? God had chosen a woman with a name meaning rebellious to birth Christ? Why? Spirit began unveiling the deeper meaning and it became crystal clear.

The name Mary was a picture of the soulish consciousness of all humanity in its rebellious and obstinate state. Through Mary we are able to understand what must happen within our selves before we are able to birth The Christ. As Mary heard the voice revealing her destiny, which seemed utterly impossible for the mind of man to believe, she believed! She was able to tap into the pure innocent spirit of truth within herself and look past the physical realm into the virginal realm of spirit. It is from the pure innocent spirit of truth, this virginal place, the Christ will be birthed from within each of us.

Remember Christ said, “Let the little children come unto me.” This is referring to the pure innocent child like spirit within. Our virginal spirit is holy in thought and belief. Within Mary, the rebellious state of all mankind, lies a pure virgin. A place of no negativity, wrong belief, and  conception of evil or duality. A pure immaculate sea of energy for birthing the Savior, our inner Christ.

So what does our virginal spirit begin to hear which helps it awaken? A beautiful message of truth and supernatural destiny just as Mary did.
“Hail” -or (start waking up) you are highly favored. God is within you and you are blessed.”

When we first begin to hear this message we too become confused and troubled as Mary did. It's foreign to the carnal mind and not what we have been taught. We become troubled because like Mary, we have had a “cast in our mind.” A bound-up way of thinking. Remember Christ was wrapped, swaddled and laid in a manger. This is exactly where your Christ has been! Tightly wrapped in the beliefs of this physical world and swaddled in the grave cloth of a realm of duality.

The angel (messenger within) keeps assuring us during this time of awakening, “Don’t be afraid, you are highly favored with God.” And not only that, within you is the seed of Divinity just waiting to be birthed. You will bring forth Emanuel meaning “God is with us”  from the darkened womb of consciousness where it has been hidden . It will be called, The Off Shoot of the Highest God, and will be the Savior of your life. This Christ (Channel of Divinity) will reign over your humanity and bring you into an awareness of Oneness with your Divine Self.

We may begin to question just as Mary did when she said: “How can this be as I have not know a man?”The belief we need something or someone to complete us. The answer soon comes! The power of Holy Spirit will overshadow all you believe to be reality in the physical realm and awaken you to higher consciousness.

Everything in this realm of duality is trying to hold the birth of the Christ back, making you believe you are not worthy, nor able to be overshadowed by spiritual truth. But as you surrender to the words you hear within yourself and say as Mary did; "Be it unto me accoriding to your words" YOU will supernaturally begin to birth that which is in you … Divinity!”

Not only you, but humanity (pictured by John the Baptist) still believing they are in the 6th month (picturing limited time of physical man) shall have a leap within their spirit and begin to believe they too can bring forth the Divine seed that is within them!

The true Christmas story is unfolding inside you at this very moment. Within you is the virginal spirit able to birth The Christ! The shepherd (Christ consciousness) which has been in a darkened field mentality, is beginning to hear the message of good news about the birth of a savior. You are starting to see His star in the heavens (an illumination of the Christ in your consciousness) which is able to lead you to where the true Christ is....within you!

When you have seen The Christ inside yourself, you will never be able to go back the way you came! You will embark on a journey of higher and higher consciousness until your virginal spirit can no longer carry the life growing within you.


At the fullness of time (no time) you too will bring forth Divine-life. You will manifest infinite life with no beginning, no end, and no limitations! A life which only sees from a virginal consciousness of pure infinite love, joy, and peace!

Can you see where the true story of the birth of Christ is really taking place? It didn’t just happen 2,000 years ago to one man. It is happening now in this 21st Century to you and all humanity!

The Bible is your story … about how you fell asleep to your oneness with God and believed in a state of separation. How you have come to know as Jesus did; “I and Farther are One.” How you are awakening out of a death mentality and rolling back the stone in your own consciousness so you can walk out of a grave mentality into immortality!

May you ascend into the heavenly place in your consciousness this Christmas Season where you are able to rule and reign over your humanity … and you may truly know as Mary came to know:


Love, Peace and Joy, Mary Lou

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