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9-2-19 Mary Magdalene Message

Greetings my beloveds, it is I, Christ. As we call in the powerful energy of the violet flame of transmutation, we ask that you begin to breathe in the energy of the violet flame, the violet fire, to begin to purify the energy within your own physical embodiment, in your conscious mind, in your subconscious, and in all aspects of your being. As we have continued to assist you in understanding the generator crystal, this powerful energy is bringing forth a clearing upon this planet. This particular hurricane that is coming through the Caribbean, and to the East Coast of the United States of America, is a part of this transformation and clearing energy that is being activated by the generator crystal. It is not meant to harm, it is meant to purify. It is simply brought forth, this magnificent, powerful energy of the winds of change, that is clearing away all discordant energies, all destructive energies, all force fields that are not in concordance and alignment to the will of God. 

We wish for each of you to understand that until humanity and all sentient beings are able to live in harmony and balance upon this earthplane, there will be indeed be earth changes, there will indeed be what you understand as catastrophic events, that will occur upon the earthplane until all of humanity and all life forms return to sacred balance and harmony. So this is why we say to you, Dear Ones, that this powerful force of the generator crystal is working with the energy of the wind. It is bringing forth the winds of change. It is through what many call fear of their own life, and fear of death, fear of the destructive force of nature, that seems to get people’s attention, to awaken, to open their hearts to themselves and others, and to honor the force of the powerful energy of Mother Gaia. It is unfortunate that time and time and time again, that people turn their backs on Mother Gaia and turn their heads away from the principles of God until there is a catastrophic event. Yet, we have said this many times before. We are not here to admonish you, we are just here to explain to you that these energies are here to bring forth a purification for those to simply awaken to their heart, and to be transformed into the light and the love of God. 

So today we ask you once again to take a deep, inhaling breath and begin to breathe in this energy of the generator crystal, breathing in this energy of the cosmic freedom, and the cosmic light of God’s living presence within your physical being, and in all life forms. That this powerful energy of the generator crystal, and the powerful energy of transformation, and the winds of change, now be brought forth into your own personal lives. For it is also necessary for the global change to occur. The energy of stagnation, fear, greed capitalistic gain, that these frequencies now be purified and transformed. It is more than time for humanity and your current civilization to live in peace and all to honor one another, all honor all life forms, all honor Mother Earth. This begins with each of you, as you begin to honor yourself, as you begin to breathe in the energy of the White Light of God, and begin to breathe in this energy of honoring and loving self. As you begin to honor your divinity and your divine perfection, and the living vessel that you are, there you shall begin to honor all of life, and Mother Gaia, as she has brought to you all of her resources, all of her beauty, all of her magnificence, for each of you to reside upon the surface of her back. 

So when these catastrophic events, as man calls them, of the hurricanes, the earthquakes, the tornados, the floods, this purification process again is a part of the cleansing and the clearing. And you say, those who are in harm’s way, those who have lost their lives. We hold them in divine perfection, and we pray for their souls and their spirits to return back to the God source in their divine perfection. And so we hold this energy of light for all who have left this planet, and all who are in harm’s way. It is all a part of the ascension. Each person will ascend, consciously, in their physical form, or they shall ascend by leaving their physical bodies and moving on into spirit form. There is to be no judgment about death or life, it is simply a part of the human condition. And so many fear what they do not understand. So many fear change. You see, change is constant. The energy of transformation is constantly changing in every cell of your body, every moment, there is change happening in your physical embodiment, there is change that is happening upon this planet. Change. You are going into another season, a season of change. You see the winds of change are upon you, and we here in the higher realms of light are assisting you through this process of transformation and through the winds of change.

The next 3-4 months will be powerful times for this planet, and all of you will have an opportunity for major change within your life. As your physical bodies begin to merge into the divine, crystalline light body, and you begin to have more clarity about your purpose, your mission, and that which you are bringing forth to the planet at this time. So allow these powerful energies of the generator crystal, and this powerful energy of the wind of change to now be received within your personal lives, and know that this energy is shifting the consciousness, and the frequency of the areas on the surface of the planet, and the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, to be purified. This is clearing out not only the stagnant energies of the collective thought forms of humans, but it is also clearing pollution, and allowing new oxygenation into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and into the earth, on every island and particle of land that this energy is touching. It is being reoxygenated and each of you are also being affected by this frequency on this day, as you are now being revitalized, rejuvenated, reoxygenated as they say, but it is the energy of transformation, a powerful forcefield of energy, and even if you are not physically near the hurricane or in that locale, you are receiving this energy remotely, through this transmission with the assistance of the generator crystal and the energy of the winds of change.

Ramtha, who is the lord of wind, is present. He will not speak, but he is present here and you may call upon Lord Ramtha as a part of the transformational process of the winds of change, assisting you at this time, and moving forward into your life pathway. Each of you have powerful missions that you are to complete, some have not started yet, some are in the process, and some have no clue. So we ask you Dearest Children to allow this transformational energy of the winds of change, the violet flame of transmutation, to begin to transmute and to clear your conscious, subconscious, your mental mind, any stubbornness or resistance that you may hold on to, that says I cannot, I shall not, I will not change. For so many, they are forced to change, by life circumstances. The power of the wind, of this hurricane has affected many lives. We will say that there is destruction, and there are blessings. There is duality in all things. Yet it is all part of the divine plan on this earth plane. As I have said before, if humanity was able to hold their consciousness in divine perfection and live in harmony and balance with all of life, there would be no need for these earth changes. 

As many know, the energy of Atlantis and Lemuria, and the underground city of Telos, during these high civilizations lived in balance and harmony. Eventually, you see, Dearest Ones, as we have said many times before, your planet and its people will live in a state of harmony and balance. Time and time again, we have told you this and it is truth. The new children on the earth will come in with their knowingness, and many are already here protecting and assisting the earth plane. So it is with this gentleness and with this kindness that Mother Earth will return back to her perfected state. It is with gentleness and kindness that the generator crystal is bringing forth this clearing on the earth. It may not seem gentle from this hurricane, but there is a deep deep deep love for the earth that the element of wind understands. That the role that is being played by this hurricane is clearing energy with love. Yet many may contradict this, many may not understand this, many may say this does not make sense. For how can it be, it is destructive. You see the winds of change bring forth an energy of pure love for the highest purpose and the highest good of all concerned. This is what the wind is bringing forth. Regardless, all who are in her pathway are held in divine perfection, and this is for the highest good of each soul, and for the earth and the masses to begin to shift their consciousness, one by one by one. 

The energy of the winds of change will begin to transform the hearts of many. So allow it now to begin to clear you and to assist you in your own vibrational shift of clearing any rigidity, stubbornness, fear, resentment, loneliness, anger, sorrow, pain, victimization, abandonment, jealousy, all that no longer is needed to be held within your collective thoughtforms, and know today as you feel this energy upsurging within you. May the love of God surround you, the power of God protect you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. Knowing truly that all is well. Regardless of what it may appear to be. Even in your own individual lives, when there is disruption, when there is chaos, there is a reason. Turn within, listen to the still, quiet voice from within, what does that voice tell you? Perhaps to listen to your own heart, to listen and you shall receive the guidance that you so desire to bring clarity within your life, peace within your heart, and joy upon your soul. These are indeed what we call very tender moments, when peoples’ emotions are very raw, but it is very necessary that each of you stand solid in your divine perfected state, grounded, centered, calm, and anchoring your energy to stabilize this energy of purity and love. 

Call for this energy now, to protect your State of Florida and surrounding regions, the State of Georgia, and into the Carolinas and up the coast. There is an energy of safety, an energy of purity and love that is being emitted into the ethers, so that this land can feel the love that the winds of change are bringing forth, that the earth can now begin to feel this, and be penetrated into the very core of the earth. Like lightning that strikes the earth, the recharge the energy. The generator crystal, the wind, and your personal crystals, as if all of you are working in tandem to bring safety to the land, the people, to all sentient beings, to all life forms. Do not question, listen from your heart and know that you are being asked at this time to be transmitters and conduits, and all can hold the energy in the powerful force field of light.

So we ask you now to begin to breathe in this energy of transformation within yourself, as your life begins to, as they say, churn like the wind, and you become even more purified in the essence of love that you hold, the essence of light that you are, calling in the energy of the Cosmic Flame of Love, with Dear Paul the Venetian, calling in this beautiful energy of Cosmic Love with Paul the Venetian. The time is now to turn on the light of your own divinity. In this we thank thee, and so it is.

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